The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

BU sent a msg saying they were releasing the 27th.

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Hi. NU is the 26th not the 24th. Just didnā€™t want you to be stressed all day on the 24th for nothing :grinning:

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Any word on Indiana University MT?

Yes, my daughter received a message in the IU portal a couple of days ago - WL for MT. I donā€™t think there was an email message telling her to check her portal.

Best of luck!

Not sure if anyone else here is waiting on this one, but ASU is also contacting this week!

@Dance3Looks3 Thank you for the response and sorry it took so long to respond back, Iā€™ve been staying off this to try to alleviate stress knowing full well my Dā€™s plans look different than others and donā€™t want to psyche ourselves out.

My d has had other acceptances and was WL for Utah. However, it still remains a top choice, so I might reach out if she moves up! I have a feeling if she moved off WL, itā€™ll be where she ends up.


Some Syracuse decisions are out

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For MT?


ok so hereā€™s the best scoop re SYRACUSE.

if you didnā€™t get a rejection you are still in the game! they said on their official instagram page that they will continue to release decisions in the coming weeks. they send them out in waves (apparently on fridays).


(Syracuse) No news this Friday :crazy_face:

Hi @collegemomlife @PhilipM and @OnBroadway
I just spoke with my daughter who is a UMich MT. The kids have already seen the article and are quite distressed. It seems like there is always someone gunning for you or ready to take others down. This article is rife with misinformation. Supposedly it was based on half a screenshot of the incoming class MTā€™25. The actual class has 24 students and 11 of them are BIPOC. If anyone this year or in future years is interested in learning more about Michigan look no futher than the MTā€™21 Senior Entrance which was student created with proceeds generated for BLM funds. I can tell you the climate of UMIch MT is one of activism. These kids are seriously diverse and educated and powerful voices for the future of theater. MTā€™21 is my daughterā€™s class and once again you can count the number of BIPOC students and see where Michigan stands in terms of equity. MTā€™25 is no different.


A note on coaching. I certainly canā€™t speak to a 'Trifecta" or any coaching organization in San Diego. Itā€™s nothing that I know anything about. I can speak about Moo and MTCA. I was a mom that had no idea about coaching. When my daughter first told me about it, I was aghast. We were already paying for private school and voice and piano lessons! But she wore me down and I really like MTCAā€™s approach and the fact that it was ala carte and they didnā€™t try to sell us a big package. We ended up using them for monologue coaching and they made us some very specialized cuts which I do think helped my daughter as they really showed off her range. We are not a wealthy family so the ala carte approach was affordable. I also really respect Ellen Lettrich and love that she created The College Audition Fund to help level the playing field and work towards more equity and diversity in the college audition world. I found Moo disconcerting and extremely expensive and I do find the private auditions just for Moo students to be just plain weird. I think maybe this San Diego company operates the same way? The fact is coaching can help prepare students for an audition. They teach the kids how to present themselves and make sure they have good material. Itā€™s not surprising that kids are accepted from all of these coaching agencies. But I can tell you that my daughterā€™s class at Michigan has kids from MTCA and kids from Moo and kids from no coach at all. Just my two cents.


Thank you @singoutlouise. The people Iā€™ve heard speaking about this are less upset about the numbers, and more about upset about the fact that the only three admitted from California came from the same studio with Michigan ties. Do you have any info on this?


@singoutlouise never mind, I saw your above post! Thank you.

Does anyone have a link to this article about the coaches in California? Please PM me. Thanks!

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@theatremom10, Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m trying to figure out how to send it to you but itā€™s telling me no links allowed. It was initially sent to me by a friend. I donā€™t know where itā€™s from.

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I do not think you can post links in the forum, but you can message them privately I believe. I will try to message you

@theatermom10 the article is exactly what is posted above.
I think it is interesting that all students came from the same studio. Iā€™m not sure what to thinkā€¦ The thing is all these programs accept multiple people from MTCA and multiple people from Moo. Is it because there is some kind of payoff, as the above article would imply? Or could it just be that these agencies know what the school is looking for and how to coach for that. I honestly donā€™t know.
What I do know is Michigan has a huge commitment to diversity and each class is almost half BIPOC. My kiddo read it and said it was a bunch of garbage and sheā€™s not one to mince words!! Lol


I always like to see the original article. I agree about Michigan. They have diverse classes, so I was surprised to read this.