The Confabulation Foundation

<p>Ergo, not a superhero.</p>

<p> true superheroes demonstrate their abilities in verbal prowess?</p>

<p>That means....oh I am too excited to think clearly about this...</p>

<p>What's that in the sky? It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's....</p>


<p>Othello is my hero. Some day I'm going to strangle my wife before I commit suicide.</p>

<p>Murder-suicide deals are the best.</p>

<p>So, how about those hot dogs?</p>

<p>Should I kill my future wife by shoving hot dogs down her throat?</p>

<p>Is that what you kids are calling it these days?</p>

<p>Well, they do raise cholesterol, but on the other hand I recall a Scientific American article pointing to the positive properties of hotdogs; they ward off stomach cancer or something.</p>

<p>And they make sporting events fun.</p>

<p>I hope PorSK realizes what he had just said...</p>

<p>Indeed I do.</p>

<p><em>squeezes eyes shut</em></p>

<p>Can I interest you gentlemen in a change of subject?</p>

<p>Absolutely! What of lesbianism? Corranged?</p>

<p>Fabulous topic. I've discussed it often in my life. Would someone else care to begin?</p>

<p>I think PorSK should stay away from mah women, personally.</p>

<p>Through careful observations and meticulous study over the past few months, I've tentatively concluded that the user whose appellation is "corranged" may be of inclinations similar to those of lesbians.</p>

<p>Anyone care to provide corroborating evidence?</p>

<p>I saw her dancing naked around a fire, throwing dead animals into a pot. That's lesbianism for ya.</p>

<p>I would. Just give PM me your address, and I'll send you some proof. ;)</p>

<p>by the way. ew to what i just said. please, do not do this. never ask a lesbian if you can watch the proceedings or see a video or take pictures. it's gross, offensive, and they've probably been asked before. /end of rant.</p>

<p>edited to make it more readable, per duality's request. at least, i think it was duality...</p>