The Continued Debate: UCSB vs. UCSD

<p>Hi, I have just been accepted to UCSD’s Muir College as an Earth Systems major and UCSB’s College of Letters and Science Honors Program as an Environmental Studies major. I know that UCSD is considered a better University, but the honors aspect of UCSB makes it really tempting. Which one would be better to go to if based purely on academics?</p>

<p>Which school do you feel more comfortable at? What is your gut telling you?</p>

<p>UCSD is my gut reply</p>

<p>You should explore both campuses a bit more and sit in a few classes. </p>

<p>UCSD is a competitive academic type school with national or even int’l prestige.
UCSB is a balanced, laid back, diverse uni with the best party scene in California.</p>

<p>Purely based on academics? I suppose I’d say UC San Diego. But accounting for everything else, I’d choose UCSB.</p>

<p>Both schools are very comparable in rank and prestige. There is a common misconception that UCSD has better academics. Really? You can get essentially the same quality of education at either school. With the resources available at any one of these prestigious research universities, and the excellent professors at student disposal, it is really up to the student to excel. </p>

<p>In short, you could not go wrong with either school. I have done my research and I can tell you that both of these schools have very strong programs and both make the list of the top ten public universities in the country according to </p>

<p>It would be wise to visit each campus, consider the incentives given to you by either school (honors program, better financial aid, etc.), and then make your decision based on that.</p>

<p>Based on what you’ve said of UCSD being your gut feeling, I’d say go there.</p>

<p>If you’re not entirely sure though, flip a coin. Yes, I’m serious. If you find yourself hoping that it lands on the side for a particular school and/or wishing it had landed on the other side, pick the school that you were hoping for.</p>