<p>Speaking of Dartmouth, a friend of mine was accepted. Black female, recruited athlete.</p>
<p>We're down to less than 24 hours. Does Harvard send out emails in alphabetical order?</p>
<p>I hope so.</p>
<p>haha well if its by FIRST name, then I hope so, too. But considering all their logins are by last name... I'd rather them be sent out some other way. ;)</p>
<p>If it's automated, then they'll come around the same time regardless of order, right?</p>
<p>it's kind of impossible to send 27000 emails at the same time. you gotta feed em one by one, basically, or by batches or something. basically with 27000, they gotta have some kind of order, and i'm betting its alphabetical by last name</p>
<p>If you send out 20 per second, it'll take 20 minutes.</p>
<p>yea ik. so im kinda confused why in the past years it took hours.</p>
<p>We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To earth, who can tell
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground
Will things ever be the same again?</p>
<p>It's the final countdown</p>
<p>Good luck everyone!!!!!</p>
<p>Best of Luck from the Penn board! We also find out tomorrow.......you're very lucky to find out 2 hours earlier!</p>
the final countdown is at 0 days and that scares the hell out of me.</p>
<p>good luck, may we all see each other next year in harvard '10!</p>
<p><em>knocks on wood</em>
<em>pretends she didnt knock on wood</em>
<em>is seriously worried about jinxing herself</em>
<em>is going to stop using asterisks</em></p>
<p>as you can see, im going crayyyyzy</p>
<p>tomorrow is going to be terrible</p>
<p>words cannot describe this anxiousness.</p>
<p>i think i need valium?</p>
<p>i love how we're getting good luck from the penn board :-) see guys we're all in this together!</p>
<p>by the way, who's making the official thread with the thing where you post your stats and other stuff?</p>
<p>that's what i was wondering too.</p>
<p>Thanks, Penn board! Good luck to you guys, as well. I'm planning on applying there, but that application is brutal.</p>
<p>Thanks to all of our peers on the Penn board! I know I speak on behalf of all of the Harvard EAers (on CC) when I wish you all the best of luck!</p>
<p>-Jon :)</p>
<p>i got an ingenius plan for tonight/tomorrow.</p>
<p>im pulling an all-nighter tonight and doing my work for thurs/fri. then I go to my ONLY class tomorrow (yes, two of my classes got cancelled), and crash on my bed until 6 p.m. then I wake up, check my mail, and have a heart-attack.</p>
<p>Nice plan.... I can't say the same for me. I've got a BUSY day. 8 classes. None cancelled. Virtually all APs. After school I have an academic competition (quiz bowl team, trivia team.. w/e u call it). That meet lasts until after 5 PM, so I should get home around 6 PM...ish. So, Karabas, we'll probably check at the same time anyway.
Have fun tomorrow. Good luck to you.
Good luck to all my fellow Harvard EAers!!</p>
<p>-Jon :)</p>
<p>I have it worse than all of you!
8-2am school
2-3:45 pm debate practice
3:45-4 pm rush to work (taking great care not to get caught by the cops)
4-7 pm work
7:20 home...and then I am free to have a heart-attack :D</p>