The Daily Pennsylvanian. Is it the best?

<p>Poster X,
You are indeed correct. Columbia U. rates all college publications, not just newspapers. A great event which covers college media is the CMA (College Media Advisors) convention at the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC during the weekend of the St. Patty's Day parade.</p>

<p>dude, congratulations and good luck!</p>

<p>I graduated from Penn many, many moons ago. I still read the DP, however--online and sometimes pick it up on campus. I hope I see your writing there over the next couple of years!</p>

<p>By the way, I knew at least a couple of people at Penn who didn't write for the DP, but who are now writing full-time for major national publications. One was a history major, and the other was a political science/IR major.</p>

<p>Thanks for the encouragement 45 percenter,
As I'm sure you know, writing, like speaking, is something one must do considerably better than average to really carve a niche for themselves. That is the stage I'm at now, I'm continually trying to write the perfect article, which is rarely, if ever acheived. The DP will provide the perfect vehicle for me to get my writing exposed, then from there, who knows...the Wall Street Journal, the NY Times, maybe my owning my own publication...I just want to have some quality options for myself.</p>

writing, like speaking, is something one must do considerably better than average to really carve a niche for themselves


Ahem. You were saying? ;)</p>

<p>The DP is very, very good. With regards to Northwestern, I have a very good friend at Medill who also works at the Daily there. I talk to her a few times a week, and she seems to think the DP is a better operation -- better website, better-looking paper, and a bigger budget (she was surprised by how often and how far the DP will send writers to cover news and sports).</p>

<p>AFAIK, the DP has continued to win numerous nat'l awards for various sections of its paper and online content.</p>

<p>Of course, I write for it, so I'm biased ;).</p>

<p>^ Reporter? Or columnist?</p>

<p>Reporter, and pretty regular (35 stories last semester). A few columns.</p>

<p>Then I must have read at least some of your stuff. :)</p>

<p>From Wikipedia:</p>

The Daily Pennsylvanian has won many of the most prestigious awards in college journalism. In 2004, it won the Pacemaker, awarded by the Associated Collegiate Press and the Newspaper Association of America Foundation, for a record-setting fourth consecutive year. It also won the award in 1990, 1997, and 1998. Several of its writers won Gold and Silver Crowns from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. It was also ranked as the "most read" college newspaper by The Princeton Review in 1990, 1997, 1998, and 2001. Most recently, the DP won the Spring 2005 Columbia Gold Crown, awarded to only eight college newspapers nationwide. In 2006, College Publisher awarded the DP first place in the category of Best Online Sports Coverage.


<p>So yeah, I'd say the DP is among the best college newspapers in the nation. And writing for it is certainly a great experience.</p>

<p>"With regards to Northwestern, I have a very good friend at Medill who also works at the Daily there. I talk to her a few times a week, and she seems to think the DP is a better operation"</p>

<p>-Is that right? Well then, I probably know your friend.....</p>

<p>"better website, better-looking paper"</p>

<p>-Oh come on... "better website"??? "better-looking"??? Now you're just reaching.... :rolleyes:</p>

<p>"So yeah, I'd say the DP is among the best college newspapers in the nation."</p>

<p>I don't know.... go to Small College USA and ask what students think of their newspaper, and I'd be willing to bet that most times they find it favorable, even if it hasn't won all kinds of awards and prizes. </p>

<p>Yet again, I have nothing against the DP, but I don't like the idea of people proclaiming which papers are "among the best" - there's something very pretentious and unsettling about that.</p>

Yet again, I have nothing against the DP, but I don't like the idea of people proclaiming which papers are "among the best" - there's something very pretentious and unsettling about that.



<p>Firstly, this is a completely transparent attempt to discredit the DP and make NU look better.</p>

<p>Secondly, you think it's "very pretentious and unsettling" to say that some papers are better than others? What are you, a ****ing communist? Should every baseball game end in a tie, too? Are we all winners?</p>

<p>"Firstly, this is a completely transparent attempt to discredit the DP and make NU look better."</p>

<p>Huh?????? That's so FAR from what I want to do that it's laughable and offensive that you would say that. Why in the world would I want to "discredit" the DP? I guess my saying that people shouldn't proclaim which papers are "among the best" somehow makes Northwestern look better - yeah right.</p>

<p>"Secondly, you think it's "very pretentious and unsettling" to say that some papers are better than others?"</p>

<p>-Yes, yes I do. A college paper is supposed to deliver the news to its campus and community in an interesting way. It is extremely pretentious to declare some papers "among the best", when it's quite possible that most every paper does a pretty good job at delivering the news well. Like I said, ask someone from Small College USA what he thinks about his school paper, and I bet he'll think favorably of it - or at least usually not too negatively. If the paper is doing its job and the students love it then how can it be viewed as in any way "worse" than the DP? Does the number of times a paper won a given award really make the journalism better? I highly doubt it.</p>

<p>"What are you, a ****ing communist? Should every baseball game end in a tie, too? Are we all winners?"</p>

<p>-That's not even analogous. A baseball GAME is inherently created to have a winner and a loser... a college NEWSPAPER... not so much.</p>

<p>How many publications have u written for? I ask because, obviously, you haven't written for enough to evaluate how they differ from one another - which one's deliver biased news, cover interesting stories, have experienced, creative journalists, etc. I don't want to get into what I've accomplished as compared to anyone, but just know this; I've written for three publications since 2005 and you better believe there is such thing as one publication being better than another, be it a college publication, local newspaper or magazine - all of which I have written for. Before I started working on my college newspaper we were still operating in black and white! Every college newspaper is not the same. How could you even suggest that? To say it's quite possible that every college newspaper delivers the news well is unbelievable!</p>

<p>kk19131, I guess we should also get rid of the Pulitzer Prizes, then? Extraordinary achievement by journalists and newspapers should never be acknowledged? Or is it only COLLEGE journalists and papers that shouldn't be so acknowledged? I'm having a hard time understanding your position.</p>


<p>better website?

<p>The DP is very good, it feels very professional, but it is not without flaws, and honestly, I think student readership is not as high as it could be. </p>

<p>The website is one of the DP's weak points, IMO. It would be nice to have a huge endowment like the Crimson too. (Though the DP just did get $1 million in an alumni's will)</p>

<p>I said that I think the DP has a better website than the Daily Northwestern. I find the Daily Northwestern's website to be cumbersome and poorly laid-out. Though yes, the Crimson is an example of what a website and paper should look like -- it looks better than many professional papers.</p>

<p>You're just talking nonsense now. The two websites are virtually the same. There is nothing "cumbersome" about the DN's website.... and as a matter of fact, I think the Crimson website is the most "cumbersome" of the three; there's way too much going on on the front page.</p>

<p>well if the articles are interesting, more ppl on campus will read it. this way, the paper's presence on campus becomes greater and students would give it a better rating. I think this is less biased than if students rated other colleges' newspapers</p>

<p>On the front page of DP's website, you can see all the article headlines and read any of them just by clicking. The front page of the Daily's website only has the top story from each section; you have to click on the sections themselves to see all the other stories. Then you have to click on the story itself to read it. So I count one fewer click per story on the DP's website as well as the ability to easily see what all the headlines are in each section. Also, to search the Daily's archives, you need to actually click on "search" on the left-hand toolbar just to get the search bar. On the DP's website, the search bar is always present (I'm not talking about the College Publisher Network's search bar at the top left). I can go on, but it's little things like that that make the DP's website much easier to use. The websites are not at all identical except to a very untrained eye. Do you have a very untrained eye?</p>

<p>As for the Crimson's website, not only is every story on the first page, but so is the first paragraph of almost every story. Reminds me a lot of the Wall Street Journal's web layout. Very professional-looking.</p>