The endless debate revisited: Accounting or Finance?

<p>UG major wise, which is better?</p>

<p>My goal would be to get into an IB, VC, or PE firm.</p>

<p>But with the market conditions today, finance guys seemed to be the first to be dumped.</p>

<p>Am I foolish for wanting to major in Finance over Accounting?</p>

<p>econ over both of them for PE/VC. unless you go to Wharton or a similar school.</p>

<p>It really does depend on the school you attend. Accounting is the strongest business major to get a solid job from an average college. If you’re at a top business program and want ibanking, finance is fine. If you’re at a target school, any major is fine. I love to hire philosophy majors in ibanking and my DH loves English majors with 800CR scores for MC.</p>