The Evils of the College Industrial Complex

<p>my AP English teacher constantly says that we must never forget that the college ITSELF is a business, trying to make money.</p>

<p>The SATs seem to me to test skills that are difficult to 'study'; reading comprehension, algebra and geometry, and analytical ability (both mathematical and verbal). The only tested matter of memorization is vocabulary, which as (presumably) English speakers we should be expected to know. If we don't know the SAT vocabulary, studying them should benefit us later in life.</p>

<p>From my experience, my friends have not benefited from SAT preparation courses. I only used (free) practice tests available online to practice my skills, and did just fine. I did not pore over vocabulary late at night, or spend hours at the local Princeton Review.</p>

<p>This "college industrial complex" thrives because we turn to it, not because we need it.</p>

<p>And my SAT scores, you ask?
Before (ever) taking a practice test:
680 M, 800 V
Three months later, after taking a practice test every weekend:
710 M, 760 V</p>

<p>If you really feel the need to study, you don't have to pay for the privilege.
Whether it will help you remains to be seen...</p>

<p>The PR books are almost as good as the course.</p>