The Grandparent Thread

Congrats, VH. Welcome to the club.

Great news!! Congratulations, @VeryHappy! Babies have a way of making life more beautiful.

We are currently on vacation with D, SIL, and GS - a week at the beach. We are having so much fun! GS loves the ocean, loves the pool, and loves having four adults to play with him all day every day.

I pick up GD from daycare on Friday (city 100 miles away) and babysit through the weekend while SIL is active Army Reserves and DD has three 12 hour work days as a RN/BSN. Excited! This is the second time I am doing this (DD2 did it one time when DD1’s weekends changed with her schedule change and I was already scheduled for my work as a RN/BSN). DD2 is coming for a day too (she lives the other direction and DD1’s city is a mid point). GD is so delightful - now 9 months old.

Enjoy every minute, every smile, every snuggle!

Congratulations VeryHappy!

I leave at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning to see our 4 month old GD. We have not seen her in person since Thanksgiving; she is a whole different person now! Thank G-d for FaceTime, otherwise I don’t know what I would do. I look forward to the time she will actually recognize me when we chat.

Congratulations @VeryHappy! Even though we live only about 40 minutes away and see very frequently, my DIL sends pictures every day. When I look back just a week I can see how much he’s grown and how much more he interacts with the world around him. You were all so right - this grandparent thing is the best!

@snowball, video chatting has been all that’s gotten us through the months between visits. GD is now 15 months old and kind of recognizes us when she sees us. What really helps is that S and DIL have lots of photos of family around and have taught her who everyone is from those photos.

G’Son had a few years where he could not handle seeing us face time. He would become super upset that we were not real and together.

DIL had an anatomic (?) ultrasound a few weeks ago (It’s a girl!!). Everything was perfect but the baby was in the 12th percentile. DS and DIL are both pretty small, and the actually conception date might be 6 days after the date they have, so not a huge deal, but the OB ordered a “growth” ultrasound which she had yesterday. Now baby is in the 16th percentile. Due date is May 27th and I am VERY excited.

So I finally was able to post on Facebook that I’m a grandma. S and DIL are both psychologists and have clients who are not necessarily the best and the brightest of the community. (They do forensic psychology.) So they very strongly didn’t want me to post S and DIL’s names, or granddaughter’s name, or a photo. I understand, but I wish I could post a photo!!!

@VeryHappy, I have a social worker friend whose D was adopting a little boy and she only posted pictures of the baby where his face wasn’t visible until the adoption was final. Would they let you post a picture of you holding the baby where her face doesn’t show? Just wondering since something is often better than nothing:)

I imagine they’ll relent eventually, but in the meantime I don’t want to do anything they don’t want me to do. So far I’ve gotten 9 likes and 8 comments on FB, so I’m doing fine!

My S asked us to reset all our privacy settings and limit our posts visibility to friends.That setting doesn’t allow anyone else to share the posts. Same for Instagram. I think he figured that his dad and I just don’t have that wide a network and he was ok with our friends seeing pictures of our GS. Hard not to be able to share your news!

My D is putting up some pictures, which surprised me at first because i knew she was privacy conscious, but the rule right now is not to post GD’s name, to make her less searchable. I can live with that! And I don’t repost unless I know it’s okay.

My DIL has only posted the baby twice on IG and none on FB as she and my son have removed themselves from there. While I haven’t been told not to post, I haven’t as of yet and before I do, I would ask. My 89 year old father is the one we have to worn, as he post full names in his post; so first middle maiden and married name plus their relationship to my dad! He was told not to post the baby’s picture, but then wanted to know why on of my DIL’s sisters were allowed to post. I explained because they just say niece without mentioning who she belongs to or her name. I do need to allow him to post one, with the understanding I need to approve what he says :slight_smile:

My daughter have friends that do not allow any pictures on social media of their kids. On friend does post on IG story where only a select group of friends can view. Plus those go away in 24 hours. This allows her to share with family and friend, but it isn’t out there for all to see and copy.

Here is the deal with “percentiles.” Humans vary in sizes. As long as the baby stays within the same percentile or higher as she grows, it is perfectly fine. She is just on her own growth curve. Says someone who was tiny, but grew into a relatively sturdy woman with a perfectly functional brain (I hope). :slight_smile:

My DD/SIL have a no social media identification policy.
Dd has posted 2-3 times (in 6 months), with back of head, or limbs only, showing. She refers to my grandson only as a genderless ‘baby’.
I am allowed to share via email or texts to known family or friends.
Family friends visited the area where my DD lives and met them for lunch - the next morning I woke to an identifying Facebook post with full face image. I PM’d right away - it was removed.

Big kid and her H too have a no social media policy.

IMHO, S and DIL posted too much info about GD on FB after she was born. Then they’d post something on her monthly birthday. They no longer do that since she turned 1, but her info is already out there. Not good.