The Grandparent Thread

AND…still waiting on grandbaby… Well, there will be a baby here in two days or so regardless of if he comes on his own time or the doctor’s time. Sheesh. Come out, come out little baby!

Anxiousmom, your name fits these days. Best of luck

Good luck, Anxiousmom!

Meanwhile, DD has her 21-week ultrasound on Friday and is hoping to find out if it’s a boy or a girl. She says she doesn’t care which (of course), but she did say that in a way, she hopes it’s a girl so that the two of them can have the kind of relationship that she and I have.

That made me a cry (and I’m not a crier.) I’m blaming my tears on pregnancy hormones…my hormones over her pregnancy.

@scout59 , I feel like we’re having parallel experiences. My D had her US last week. She’s due late January. Its a girl and she’s thrilled to (hopefully) have the same relationship she and I have. I won’t remind her of some of the snarky/combative days we both had. I got a little choked up to hear that she appreciates our relationship so much. Hope your D’s scan goes well.

@Mansfield - we ARE twins! DD is due at the beginning of February. Best of luck to your daughter and granddaughter!

And yes, I reminded my daughter about the horrors of the mother-daughter relationship in middle school. She thinks I exaggerate…

Super cute GD turned 4 months today. We saw her a couple weeks ago and she could roll from her back to tummy, but then would get mad that she was on her tummy. The absolute best thing is the way she lights up when she sees her daddy (my son).

Looks like we’re having a grandson!

Congratulations, @scout59! Our GS is the center of our universe, at the moment…

Congrats @scout59!

Congrats @scout59. Our GS is due in 7 weeks.

Gd is finished with her helmet! 5 months and she has a round cue ball. Fun to see her blonde hair again!

We babysat our 10.5 month old granddaughter for several hours yesterday afternoon and evening. My gosh, she’s so cute and fun. I am enjoying every moment of this role in my life.

Thanks! We’re excited - ultrasound looked great, nothing abnormal. DD was a tiny bit bummed out at first (“I didn’t realize that I sort of wanted a girl until I heard it was a boy”) but now she’s super excited too. Her Husband’s sister has two little boys (3 years old and 1 year old) , and they all live about ten minutes away - so chances are that the cousins will grow up together.

My heart is full.

@scout59, that’s wonderful! Little boys are so much fun. :slight_smile:

My first grandchild is 3 months old and my brain has turned to mush. I can spend an hour just making silly faces and noises to get him to giggle. Both of his parents are musicians, so when they sing, he tries to join in by shrieking. It is adorable. They live about an hour from us, and it is not close enough!

Congratulations on all your DDs and DSs incoming babies. I am happy to report that grandbaby boy was born (after a horrendously long labor) and is the chillest, most charmingest little guy I’ve ever met. DD amazed me with her calm and determination and is handling motherhood like a pro. My heart is full!

Overdue here, too. In labor. Congrats anxious mom!

Congrats, @anxiousmom, and keep us posted, @rockymtnhigh !

Wow - a population explosion on our board! Congratulations @anxiousmom and yes, @rockymtnhigh, keep us posted!

Our GS was here with S and DIL most of the weekend. He is 10 months old and having serious sleep regression issues, waking around 4:30am every morning and having pretty disrupted naps, as well. They’ve been told it’s not unusual around this age but to be honest, they look like walking zombies. Unlike with a true infant, he needs to be entertained and watched like a hawk when he’s up so no dozing for them. Anyway, my S was getting up with him and then bringing him to me at 6:30am ( I offered and get up around then anyway). I was able to let them get a few more hours sleep and GS and I became fast breakfast buddies. I know they’re frustrated and exhausted. Wish I could help more.

A girl! Soooooo cute!