The Hangover

<p>This movie looks awesome! I might go see it tonight at Midnight. Who else is seeing it?
After seeing the trailer a few months ago, I knew this movie was going to be great and the reviews are awesome so far!</p>

<p>The movie turned out freaking awesome.
Best Scene: Credits!</p>

<p>Was it that bad?</p>

<p>I actually read a review the praised the movie AND the credits…so maybe it’s not sarcasm.</p>

<p>I loved this movie so much I’m seeing it again Saturday or Sunday.</p>

<p>I was thinking about giving this movie a look, but after what you said, I’ve changed my mind. :/</p>

<p>***, I love this movie. The credits are the best part because of the photo montage, damnit now I spoiled it for all of you to get my point.</p>

<p>A groundbreaking piece of cinema. People weren’t just chuckling, they were cracking up. Some guy laughed so hard he choked on his popcorn and then gagged for a little while.</p>

<p>I don’t like the comedy genre of movies, so I probably wouldn’t like it. I’m sorta dyspeptic sometimes.</p>

<p>Holy crap I saw this today and it may be one of the funniest movies I’ve seen, certainly in the top ten and easily the funniest this year. The ENTIRE theater was laughing, it was absolutely hysterical. And the credits are the best part, though there are a few…unsavory photos near the end. And the way the plot was structured was actually really cool. I think I’ll end up seeing it again.</p>

<p>Really funny doesn’t mean really good.</p>

<p>I’m also not that much of a comedy movie person. I prefer comedy in very small doses.</p>

<p>^Yeah, and if the “entire theater” thinks it’s hilarious, I would probably hate it… lol.</p>

<p>Yeah, the masses have very poor taste in movies.</p>

<p>Then again, the mass-marketed movies suck nowadays anyway.</p>

<p>But then again, most people would be bored by the slower pacing of independent films.</p>


<p>but then again…</p>

<p>^You sound just like my parents.</p>

<p>I just like to learn something, or feel something from the films I watch. My friends provide me with enough lulz. Film can enlighten you, if you watch the right ones.</p>

<p>But, as aforementioned, big films nowadays just suck. Great Oscar winning films even as shortly back at the beginning of the millenium, like American Beauty, A Beautiful Mind and even Return of the King, actually generated decent box office returns. </p>

<p>I don’t know what happened to cause the shift to today.</p>

<p>“Funny” movies are best watched while sitting on airplanes. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a movie with Will Farrell in any other way.</p>

<p>I’m not going to pay money for the potential of a movie making me laugh, when my friends can make me laugh perfectly fine on their own.</p>

<p>For me, I take film as art. It’s not just made to make money, it’s done for a purpose, to provoke or spread an idea. It’s not just a plot to entertain people. It’s the brilliant acting, innovative directing, beautiful cinematography, memorable musical score, heartfelt screenplay that all culminate into the cinematic beauty that is a great film.</p>

<p>*jesus christ im not going to go pay money to watch some stupid ass dialogue movie. *
You know, many great movies have little dialogue. It makes the words that are actually said more meaningful.</p>

<p>Oh and…</p>

<p>hi Cody. :P</p>

<p>It seems this is the new Che thread.</p>


<p>It takes us YEARS to get the movies you guys do. YEARS. The only movies we get around the same time that they release in the US are pseudo-Lifetime crapfests like “To Be Fat Like Me.”</p>

<p>saw this yesterday
I found it pretty amusing but not uproarious or anything
My friends all thought it was the greatest thing ever, to be fair</p>