The Kevin G./Mathlete rap from mean girls.

<p>Apparently, I find that rap hilarious...and the character Kevin G. as well. LOL.</p>

<p>Anyway, mean girls is one of my fav. movies :)</p>

<p>lol, yeah that rap was hilarious, actually his whole character was hilarious… lol you made a thread just to say that?</p>

<p>What were the lyrics to it again?</p>

<p>[Here</a>, let me Google that for you.](<a href=“]Here”></p>

<p>YO YO YO!
all you sucka mcs ain’t got nothin on me
from my grades to my rhymes can’t touch kevin g
i’m a mathlete so the nerd is infered
but forget what you heard but forget what you heard i’m like james bond the third
shshshaken not stirred
kevin gnapoor the g is silent when i sneak through your door
make love to your woman on the bathroom floor
i don’t play it shaggy, you’ll know it was me
cuz the next time you see her, she’ll be like OOOOH! Kevin G!!</p>

<p>lol @ ashf09…where did you discover that?</p>

<p>It’s so cool! :stuck_out_tongue: lol.</p>

<p>@ stonecutter yep, I just felt like sharing that. I mean I’ve seen that scene a couple of times, ( and didn’t laugh)then all of a sudden I find it funny 'cause I was actually paying attention the the lyrics lol.</p>

<p>lol yeahh i love that movie. when my friends all have sleepovers, we will always watch mean girls… haha they think i’m like karen…</p>

<p>i actually have this song on my ipod</p>

<p>dukebound11- someone else used it on another board and I thought it was cool too, haha :)</p>