The LOG is back at USNA

<p>The</a> LOG | Home</p>

<p>For all of those happy-go-lucky Midshipmen with parents who MUST know every painstakingly tiny detail about their life:</p>

<p>The LOG Magazine is now taking subscription requests! For just $25, you will
receive the last 5 issues of the 2008-2009 Academic Year! We need 1,228
subscriptions to break even for the year. More details can be found at
The</a> LOG | Home.</p>

<p>Take note: All Midshipmen will continue to receive The LOG for FREE as long
as we can secure enough outside subscribers. Please encourage your family,
friends, and loved ones to support our cause!</p>

<p>The LOG Magazine
101 Buchanan Road
Annapolis, MD 21402</p>

<p>The next edition of The LOG is set to release in early February. Until then,
think of Mr. Chuckles. Not even the Dark Ages can take that smile off of his
creepy clock-face.</p>

<p>Warm regards,</p>

<p>Your LOG Magazine Staff</p>