The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Omg 11 mins Til lawrenceville. I will chew all my fingernails off before then…

How do you reach NMH decisions lol

5 minutes! Oh my gosh oh my gosh… If you can’t tell this is my dream school lol. Well that and deerfield but my dream for that was crushed as soon as I woke up this morning. Oh well, there’s still choate too

20 Seconds until L’ville.

1 MINUTE!!! This is it. Who else is hyperventilating right now? Wow sorry just realized how annoying I’m being

God luck guys!


WL at Lawrenceville.

Rejected: Exeter, SPS, MX

I am a wreck right now… what if I don’t get in anywhere?!? Ugh… I won’t :frowning:

We all know how to tell time. We do not need any more spam posts saying x number of minutes until y.

Having said that, congrats to those accepted, and good luck to those awaiting decisions.

I am a wreck too. Never in my whole life did I imagine this. This is just cruel. :open_mouth:

one school… please… just… please…

Well this sucks. WLed at Lawrenceville. :frowning: kind of a sucky day, not gonna lie

If I don’t get in I WILL cry, but seeing as how I’ve already been rejected at Exeter and Hotchkiss, let’s bring out the tissues!

Well, four wait lists so far. This really sucks, but I guess there’s still Choate and Andover to go. Congrats to all accepted applicants, and everyone with rejections or waitlists, I know how it feels.

Sorry guys :frowning: Good luck for the rest of y’all’s decisions.

this is a real bummer, i couldn’t go to sleep last night because i was so excited, but now i’m just depressed.

I feel nothing… not happy… not sad… kind of happy… and I guess I’m really motivated to make something of myself next year… I know there are more decisions but I bet they’re all R/WL…

WL every single school :-S