The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

ok thank!

i don’t think it’s up until 3, i just checked the gochoate website and it isn’t up for me

i don’t know if this would make anyone feel better or worse, but i don’t think most of the need blind schools have released their decisions yet. so if you are applying for financial aid, it might be better to put the blame on that, and not on yourself.

try not to think of rejections or wait lists as personal failures. believe me, i’m in the same position and am really sad about it. but other people often have advantages that you may not and could not have, like money or family who were alumni or they live in a different country. these schools are businesses, to an extent, and they need money to run. they can’t just go dishing out all their money in financial aid, or the school would go to ruin. you may have been a perfectly good candidate, but maybe someone with more $$$ had the same qualifications. that’s just the way it is, and we have to do the best we can with the lot we were given. i’m so sorry and empathetic to everyone who got rejected or wait listed so far, but this isn’t the end. even if you can’t go to a boarding school, it’s only 4 years of your life and you can get through it and find new people at your local school.

I actually already got a FA email from Exeter (kind of related). I was surprised I got it so early.

@Napper well said :slight_smile:

@gryffinhunter that’s great! i’m glad someone on here has good news!

Choate is at 3pm.

@GryffinHunter‌ Good news then?

@Napper nicely said. It helped me.

@02gloves i’m glad. i didn’t realize how sure i was that i would get in somewhere until i got my rejections and waitlist this morning. i have one acceptance, to madeira, but if FA doesn’t come through i can’t go. even though i still have a couple decisions i’m waiting on, i’m trying to reconcile myself with the fact that i might have to go to my local highschool. it’s rough, but i’m getting over it.

Amazing News!

changed my icon again, back to what it was before. i think the other one gave me bad luck…

@gryffinhunter thank goodness! i want to see you succeed and live vicariously through you!

@awesomev-have you already heard from Milton? We are still waiting, which tells me that we probably will get bad news

Only 1 boarding school is need blind.

Not being accepted is not a reflection on the applicant; the vast majority of applicants are fully qualified to attend the given school. If the applicant requires FA (particularly if it is a lot of FA), that may have played an even greater factor in the decision process; there is only so much money to go around.

I’m still waiting on Milton. I don’t think that means bad news necessarily.

@awesomev-have you already heard from Milton? We are still waiting, which tells me that we probably will get bad news

@skieurope i think andover and groton are need blind? or perhaps there is some technicality which makes one of them not? I’m not sure. i also believe roxbury latin is need blind, but i don’t know when they release their decisions

@GryffinHunter‌ That’s amazing! So excited for you.

@Napper Same. It’s not that my school is bad or anything, it’s just not for me or what I’m looking for. I cried in math today. (It’s okay…no one saw)