The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

The forums aren’t as busy now :frowning: Does that mean I actually have to stop stalling :stuck_out_tongue:

Hm, my advice for all future applicants that come across this forum is simply this: Apply to more schools, don’t rule out schools just because of a bad feeling at an interview, look into safety schools and definitely apply to a few, if you can and are going to start a new school year next year in whatever grade get in extracurriculars and dont let your parents try to influence you in the application. At the end of the day just remember,it’s not your parents or your teachers who are going to be going there and spending a significant part of their life there, it’s you.

Essentially, apply everywhere that you can, set as wide a net as possible. Do your research too, and don’t just look at the big, major, perfect marketing evident in the dazzling info packages schools. I really regret not applying to Blair, simy because I thought that I had a better chance of full grants being awarded at larger schools (Andover) as well as the application being a bit more work because it wasn’t as accessible online.

Also, start the process early, well as early as you can, and try to get your application together early too. So many of us on CC freaked out because it was less than a month before the deadline and still had things to submit. Lord knows, I initi began applying to eight schools and endowed up with only one. Long story. So don’t give up halfway with your application either.

There really is no way to know where you will get in, so many things can change every year. Sports, Arts, Racial and ethnic mixes and balances are also factors. No matter what an AO says, they matter. We all know they do. So just cross your fingers and hope that your particular fingerprint is just what a school wants that year.

Sorry for the excessively long post lol
But really, wide net.

I agree. Sometimes you really won’t know, might get wait listed at your safety but accepted at one of your high reach schools.

@Kingthekid Hotchkiss is a GREAT school. Take the offer. I interview for a national scholarship and a lot of the finalists were from Hotchkiss. Impressive.

If anyone still comes on this thread, I just want to say: DON’T LOSE HOPE OR GIVE UP. Please don’t. I applied last year to only 3 schools (not so smart) with an SSAT score of 65% (not my brightest 3 hours of test taking) and was flat out rejected at 2 schools and waitlisted at one. I reapplied, got my SSAT score up, added more schools, put up a positive attitude, and gave it my all. I told my mom last year on March 10th that I didn’t know what I was going to do anymore, but then I thought about it and really wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. I wanted to give up many times, but I knew that I was too far in. Less than a week ago, on March 10th of 2015, I was accepted into my top school and will be attending there this fall. I would have never imagined this one year ago. So please please please don’t lose hope. It will all be worth it next March 10, early morning, when your mom wakes you up and tells you that you’ve been accepted into your top school.

@GreenCat19‌ You have no idea how much that inspired me. Thank you for sharing. So happy for you & good luck!!! :slight_smile:

@GreenCat19: Thanks for the very inspiring message. When times get tough when reapplying, I will remember your words and keep persevering. :slight_smile:

@GreenCat19 that is fabulous!! I am so happy for you and am now inspired :slight_smile:

@GreenCat19 Wow! What a story! I am inspired by you now!

I really miss mathman and whimsicalwhims on this thread, they had such vibrant personalities. Its hard to let them go.

@ajsmiles12 I talk to them occasionally… they are amazing people and I hope to see them here next year :frowning:

Agreed. Almost at 3000 comments without them.

Numba 3000!

I have a huge paper to write but I’m scared to write it lol

It’s awesome that Exeter personalizes each acceptance letter. That’s gotta take up a lot of time and I really appreciate them for taking the time to do so.

@GryffinHunter: I can’t remember the specifics, but apparently History 333 is a rite of passage because there’s a mega huge paper at the end of the year or it’s a really difficult course with lots of difficult papers or something like that. Either way, if you pass it, you get to say “I survived History 333” so that’s why it’s a rite of passage.

@gryffinhunter @thelittleswimmer I think it’s like 30 pages or something, that’s why its such a big deal…


I can’t wait.

I just got a super sweet letter from Exeter… Hand written and everything.