The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

LOL just imagine me right before my race eating eggs.

Those pre March 10th memories… Good times. :smiley:

HAD A REVISIT DAY TODAY! I must say it is so fun going to schools and watching them try really hard to hook accepted students. :stuck_out_tongue:

~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:> ~:>

Eggs are growing and taking over the world.

How was it even possible that I got sugary over eggs? That was a weeirrd night. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool! Where did you go? How was it? @Bulatt

Oh, I forgot to change my avatar.

What should I change it to?? Hmmmmm…

Oh gosh…those eggs…


@mathman1201 Avatar suggestion: a potato.


I just searched “Michael Phelps potato.” As you can guess, nothing good came up. :frowning:

Ok, changed my avatar.

OH rly I had no idea :stuck_out_tongue:

Coffee. I love coffee.

@mathman1201 Today I went to Concord Academy. I will be going to another revisit on Thursday also :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s great. Enjoy your revisit! :smiley:

We pulled a huge April Fools joke on my science teacher today. It was hilarious.

I had like ten gazillion leg muscle cramps today. Swim right after track didn’t feel amazing, but it was fun.

I beat all the annoying jocks in the 400m today. :stuck_out_tongue: It was a great feeling. I got a 1:04 (it was my very first time running it). If I can get that to something in the 50s by the end of the season, that can be something I put on my app next year! Woohoo :)>-


Wouldn’t it be cruel if a school called you and said that you were pulled off the waitlist, but it turned out to be an April Fool’s joke?

Cruel? No. That’s just pure evil.

I remember the first time I ran the 400. shudders Glad I stuck with my other events.