The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

You do track? What do you run? @02gloves

I’ve never ran more than a mile.

I went for a two hour run and I want to do more :frowning: but I’m also hungry… food wins…

I must be really out of shape, because I can barely run a mile without getting side cramps at swim practice. Darn it, winter, for making me a couch potato!

Harvard University:
5.3% acceptance rate
37,305 applicants


Phillips Academy Andover, which only had a

13% acceptance rate (approximation, 405 students admitted)
3,026 applicants

… yet we were freaking out for months about it! And I thought “competing” against 3,000 other applicants was nerve-wracking!

That just serves to prove that it “only gets harder from here.” :open_mouth:

Which I’ve said several times :slight_smile:

Boarding School admissions are a walk in the park compared to college admissions. But no need to worry about that yet.

That’s scary. And derpy. And aah I don’t know what to say about that. @thelittleswimmer :open_mouth:

When it comes to college app time, I’m just going to use every inside resource I have. There’s no point in “getting in organically” because you can bet that the rest of the applicants aren’t going to do that.

(says to self) I’m not gonna let them scare me. I’m not gonna let them scare me.

You guys are scaring me. Time to get my application on top of the game for college (and next year’s BS application!)

Can’t believe Harvard had more than 37,000 applicants. Poor AO’s. Wow.

Sorry for scaring you all! However, I think it’s crucial to know this so we can all really know what we’re getting ourselves into beforehand.

I have a couple of family friends who are Harvard AOs and they were telling me about some of the applicants that they looked at this year… Some of those kids have accomplished more than most people have in their entire lives!

Ugh. Time to get to work.

@02gloves‌ lol that’s been me for a couple hours… nothing accomplished still…

Eh, it’s spring break for me, so I’m out of state. I’ve got a bunch to do next week. Summer time = grind time

I’m on break too! Spring break = relax and chill time. :smiley:

@02gloves I feel! It’s my break too :slight_smile:

My teacher’s brother-in-law is an Ivy AO and I’m just like how do you do that ?¿

Like, how do you make a decision about a kid’s future based off a pile of papers?

There is an old book titled “The Gatekeepers” by Jacques Steinberg who shadowed AOs. (Reading for parents :slight_smile: )

While we are at it, for medical schools,

GA Morehouse School 5173 applicants for 85 spots (1.6% not considering yield)
Mayo Medical School 4692 applicants for 94 spots (2.0% " " )
Stanford 7452 apps for 177 spots (2.4% " " )

For a typical job opening of one person, usually over 200 people apply, and yes, I do read their resumes throwing them out ruthlessly.

Not to worry! Deal with it when it comes. Obviously you won’t reach that point unless you graduate from college (which over 40% of entering kids fail to do) so focus on school work for now when things are easy ! :slight_smile: