The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015


I just read through the whole BS Class of 2015 thread. That was an interesting read. Phew, college admissions are a whole lot more complicated than BS admissionsā€¦ At least most BS decisions come out on one day. =P~ @-)

Okay! Officially enrolled at Madeira. It has too many practical advantages- closer to my auntā€™s house, and much better food, to state a few. If Emma was also good with these things I wouldā€™ve definitely picked it. Madeira also has a great campus & atmosphere, but I feel like itā€™s comparatively slightly lacking in academic rigor. I donā€™t know, thatā€™s just my opinion from sitting in on classes at both schoolsā€¦

@UIButton Iā€™m sorry I wonā€™t see you there next year ;-; youā€™ll have a great time though :slight_smile:

How exciting!! Good luck preparing over the summer!

Thank you! I donā€™t know if I have time for EW but we will see! Congrats on Madeira!! Thatā€™s a truly amazing school and I know youā€™re going to have a great time! @thatwritingdream

This marks the one month anniversary of the worst day of my life (and around the time I received my first wait list.) March 10th feels like 10 years ago, but it oddly feels like yesterday too. :-S

Good luck to anyone making their final decisions.

@mathman1201: Letā€™s make exactly eleven months/one year from now the ā€œbest day of your lifeā€! :smiley: :smiley:

donā€™t lose hope! a friend of mine literally just got picked off the waitlist for groton!!!

I just realized how silly my post above sounds. Silly me, anniversary means last year, not last month.

Iā€™ll blame it on me being half asleep after midnight. :stuck_out_tongue:

Even though I know that I have no chance, I canā€™t help checking my phone and email every two seconds. Someone end this madness. :frowning:

Speaking of madness, next year will be crazy as both me and my sister will go through applications (her college, me BS). It will be a hectic year in my household. :open_mouth:

Napper - was it a F/M and what grade for Groton?

@MakMacdonald Sheā€™s a 9th grade girl

Has anyone heard about waitlist news yet???

Just got off Peddie Waitlist!

^ Congrats!!!

^ @ajsmiles12 <:-P

i got enough FA to go to Madeira!

Thatā€™s great news :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: !!! @Napper

Thanks to both of you!!! @skieurope

Iā€™m so happy for both of you! @Napper @ajsmiles12 ā€¦ I know both of you will do great things in Madeiraā€™s and Peddieā€™s communities!

I got my NLE Latin I results back a couple of days agoā€“one question/point away from a perfect paper, argh. I wonder what that question was!!

How about everyone else who took the NLE? I hope it went well! @02gloves @weezin?