The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015


yayy!!! @Napper

Congrats!!! @Napper

@uibutton @skieurope @OneExcitedDude @thelittleswimmer thanks, i’m really excited about it! now i just have to get in touch with @thatwritingdream ! we could be roommates, that would be weird…

Congrats to both of y’all!! Y’all are gonna have busy summers!

@thelittleswimmer Haven’t gotten mine back yet, unfortunately. But that’s amazing for you–sorry about the one question, that’s no fun!

@Napper YAY!!! :smiley:
I’ll message you right now. This is amazing news. (we COULD BE ROOMMATES omw)

@thelittleswimmer I was 1 off a perfect score on NLE as well :expressionless: , well, there’s always next year!

@WilliamLegit: Yeah! All we can do is work harder and get that perfect score next time! :slight_smile:

This thread is a legend!

Who is A0880? Thought Mathman created this thread

@mrnephew I think that’s him, maybe under another account.

Maybe he deleted his account…?

Nope. just changed the name. However, he hasn’t been on since April.

Good for him.

I couldnt stay off of CC!

@LaxPrep who can? lol

I finally got the guts to go back on this thread… It brings up memories even though it hasn’t even been a year yet. I just wanted to thank everyone- Mathman, GoldenFygg, HistoryGeek, Stargirl, Thelittleswimmer, and so many others that I am probably forgetting. It has been a… tumultuous year, but I think we are all in better places now, whether that’s in one of the prep schools we applied to, or at the local private/public school. And besides, there’s always this season :slight_smile: Kudos to those who are reapplying again this year (if you didn’t get in/got waitlisted, etc). And umm… I think going through this thread helped me realize that, maybe it gave me closure? The process, the season that we went through was stressful and fun, and a mashup of feelings, and I honestly think it made me a better person. But, I have come to realize that I like the school I’m attending now. I moved to a new school, so everything is still sort of new, but I like it. And while I may have not gotten in, I am not sad, and I’m not reapplying. I like the place I’m in now, and I honestly DO NOT want to go through all that stress all over! :wink: (Again, kudos to those that are reapplying!) So really, what I just wanted to say was, to maybe the new 2015-2016 applicants, or to anyone really who is planning on applying,or did not get in, or whatever, IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. You will live. You will make new, awesome, funny, beautiful friends where ever you decide to go. And you will achieve great things no matter where you go to. So just… live in the moment, don’t stress over tiny things, and enjoy the ride :slight_smile:

*also this is probably really not at all very well thought out or composed, but I feel that as long as the message is understandable, it is enough

Lovely message, @whimsicalwhims. Shows grace and maturity. I know I speak for so many of your CC friends when I wish you the very best. With your perspective, you will achieve it.

Just came back to this forums. Wasn’t really that active on it, but I lurked a bit. Any of you guys on High School LIfe?

Aw, this forum brings back that one night that wasn’t M10 and we were freaking out and so active on here. I’m feeling nostalgic and conflicted now. Weird how some of us have moved on and forgotten about this thread. That we won’t ever know each other in real life or know what happened to each other. Maybe one day a few of us will end up passing by each other in the street, swearing that they seem familiar. Maybe we’ll work nearby to each other. The possibilities are endless.