The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Did any of you receive letters from your SPS interviewers?

Oh no! @mathman1201 thanks X_X I was in a rush and didnt wait to read the list of names that popped up, so I just picked the first one. Haha I feel very stupid now next time i’ll pay more attention

Soo while everybody else at my school is counting the weeks until spring break, all I can think about is M10. Anybody else have friends who aren’t applying keep asking you whether or not you got in? I’ll lose all my patience if I have to tell another person for the 100th time that I have to wait until March

@boardingprep1213 I’ve been dealing with those questions for the past two years. :wink:

Don’t you hate it when they ask you? Those people have to understand that it’s SUPER hard to get in. :frowning:

Exactly. People I know think it’s a shoo-in, when in reality it’s like the lottery. They don’t seem to grasp how even the best students they know may be rejected.

Me: (to my friends) GUYS SIX MORE weeks
Them: for… uh… What?
Me: -____- we’ve been over this. glares
Them: think frantically is it someone’s birthday…?
Them: AHHH right we knew that! Hehe good luck! You know I don’t even know why you’re counting the days and stuff. You’re gonna get in.
-and one of those friends was actually considering applying to boarding school too… .-.

Wow… I’m speechless.

This is why CC is so great. You guys understand!

@thatwritingdream That happens with my friends as well, except my friends are not applying to boarding schools and freak out at the thought of it.

Ehh the people here apply to local academies which are also pretty hard to get in so mutual understanding…

At my school most people who are applying out (it goes until 9th) are applying to boarding schools mentioned on these threads (most in the top and second tiers) as day students. As well as a day school which is considered one of the top in the country so most people understand. However, a lot of people are overly confident. They are kids with relatively mediocre stats who think they are sure to get in to schools such as Loomis Chaffe and Taft

At my school a few people are applying to prep school so there is a vague understanding. It is stressful as my friends are in two camps half are rooting for me and telling me that I will get in, the other half tell me there is no way on earth that I will get in. here there is no real divide. We all care a lot and I think that we all have a good chance to get into one of the schools we are applying to. I can’t make any promises and say that you will get in; but I can say this: I hope you get in. With all my heart and soul, I want to see you on weekends at Deerfield or Choate scooping mashed potatoes into your plate, laughing with friends. I wish I could see you at 10:00 at Loomis or Taft or Andover or Exeter collapsing in your bed, exhausted but happy. I know that some of us will make it and others won’t so lets just wait. Lets just spend 5-6 weeks stressing but not really with people who understand. On March 9th lets be together through the losses and wins. Lets be theCC Prep school community

Wonderfully said, @LondonLady.

Why is it that when we are waiting for something in particular, every minute feels like an hour and every day feels like a week?

How are you guys going to spend the next 5-6 weeks?

I’m going to watch Ashley Wagner over and over again, listen to music, and swim to keep my mind off it. I also have MathCounts, a huge school project, and AMC 10 all in February, so it will be a pretty busy month for me.

What about you guys?

Just drop everything and watch Pitch Perfect. NOW.

Pitch perfect 2 released but I can’t find it anywhere!


Did you see the trailer?