So many hopes and dreams all determined by M10
Well let’s just hope my dreams aren’t crushed.
You guys make me so pumped for the sleep I’ll be missing out on Monday night
Yea we’ll hop with you.
I am a diplomat IRL #embassy life
My mom told me, “March 10, It’s your WHOLE Life, you WHOLE LIFE.”
Inside I’m like, “Well, that helps my nerves.”
We totally should, but it would be so awkward, we would go up to random people, “MATHMAN1201?!?!!”
HAHAHAHA @boardingbound14 that actually made me laugh out loud
I am typing with one hand only since one hand is occupied with a puff.
Swimmingman? What embassy do you live at?
Wow thx guys.
we should start a club. even if we end up at different schools we can have an interscholastic skype club
You could yell his name with all those combinations.
That’d be so cool.
You guys this is the best CC group of all time.
@swimmingman5 will have to run the club, if it exists. it will help them with their diplomat cred
So glad I’m a part of it :’-)
No, this will be a democracy @Napper WE MUST VOTE.
American lol. But I don’t live at the embassy. I live in properties that belong to the embassy in whatever country my parents are posted to.