The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Don’t you live in California? I’m here for break and it is sweltering.

How many people know y’all applied? Only three know for me.

Everyone knows I did.

Who, me? No, I live in the state you live in during the school year. @mrnephew

I just have the heat cranked up right now.

Are there multiple people applying for BS in y’all’s schools?

I’m the only one.

A ton of people do, now. I originally told my three closest friends and a couple teachers, but the news exploded when one of my teachers announced to the class that I “got accepted into Exeter.” I was like “um, NO! I did not.” And it got really awkward.

And now like the whole school knows. Ugh, it’s going to be so awkward if I get rejected.

Why would your teacher do that?

Yes, there are a ton from my school.

@mathman1201‌ That’s awful! The only teachers who know for me are the ones I needed for recs. Well, at least they don’t know the date you find out.

That would be one hell of an awkward situation.

@mrnephew im most certainly feeling it now mr. krabs…

He heard wrong. He asked me where I applied, and he heard it as me saying that I got accepted.

my mom keeps telling everyone, but i feel awkward about all of it because everyone here would think it’s weird… and everyone she tells does think it’s weird…

My acceptance list will be as tiny as my GPA :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope, they do. They asked me when, and I awkwardly had to tell them. @02gloves

So much pressure on me. I feel like I’m going to let my friends, teachers, and school down if I get rejected. Urggh.

Yeah. I packed coats and stuff expecting fifty degree weather. Imagine my surprise when I get off the plane and it’s eighty. Newark was snowing.

I kept my application a secret

@mathman1201‌ Oh boy. I’m rooting for you, then. Hopefully they’ll forget, right?