The Myth that Auburn is THE Engineering College in the state

<p>Yes, AU’s COE is currently, still ranked higher than UA’s. However, look at the mean ACT scores for freshman engineering students: UA = 29.2, Auburn = 28.5</p>

<p>See for yourself: <a href=“”></a> and <a href=“”></a> And keep in mind that this has occurred despite much more rapid growth in Engineering at UA. So you might want to rethink this notion that Auburn is THE Engineering college. Times have changed. The best students are actually going to UA in greater numbers. </p>

<p>Roll Tide! Roll Over Eagle</p>

<p>Atlanta…do you know where the stat is for Bama’s CoE employment/grad school after graduation?</p>

<p>Hmmm. I don’t.</p>

<p>Is this what you are looking for?
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yes, thank you.</p>

<p>So, 83% of eng’g grads in 2012 had either professional jobs or were in grad school.</p>

<p>Avg entry salary was $62k per year. </p>

<p>83% of the respondents.</p>

<p>only 59% responded.</p>

<p>Thank you! Yes, AU is a good engineering school. But so is UA! Especially in chemical and geological, from what I’ve heard.</p>


<p>True, but that’s a very good sized sample.</p>

<p>That’s all that ALL schools can report. No school can FORCE students to answer. Schools use the data from responses…so the comparison is apples with apples. </p>

<p>of course, they can only give stats from those who respond. i realize that. it could be off by quite a bit in either direction.</p>

<p>True in all cases. All schools can do is report what they know.</p>

<p>Same goes for reports about med school and grad school admissions. Schools only know what their students report back to them. </p>

<p>however, when the sample is quite large, the plus or minus will likely lessen.</p>

<p>One thing to note is that Bama isn’t yet graduating 400 eng’rs a year. That’s largely because the growth is rather new…and because all eng’g programs heavily weed. I don’t know what last May’s grad numbers were, but I think it was less than 300.</p>

<p>So the comment in the other thread about “thousands in eng’g” really doesn’t apply when it comes to what’s currently going on for new grads and job opportunities. </p>

<p>I never even got a survey. I actually emailed someone about it because I wanted to report but still never got one. I ended up finding a thing on the career center where you can report a hire. I guess that will suffice haha? </p>