The New Living-Learning Community at Pritchard Hall

@hokieinCO re: the LLCs…I pushed my daughter to join the arts LLC last year as a freshman. In theory it was a good idea but for true music majors it didn’t work out. Music majors have alot of night classes (orchestra, some jazz combos, music on mondays-all evenings) and the studio72 activities were almost 100% on weeknights. She liked living in Pritchard but the LLC was a bust. She recommended against it to my son who is also going to he a music major.

@hokieinCO If your son is accepted and you are interested in add’l info re: Innovate, feel free to PM me with any questions. Our student is a current member of the LLC.

@ShenVal18 thanks! I’m so nervous, I’m a mess. He should find out no later than 3pm our time tomorrow. I think he’s really borderline of getting in. Right in the median stats for business undecided. But he applied regular decision and we live in Colorado, which both work against him. Who knows? If he gets in I’ll be super excited and if he doesn’t, I’ll save some money :)) VT is by far the most expensive option for him.