The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

My daughter is going to hear from NYC independent day schools 2/15 but then we are also waiting to hear from Westtown and George. I have this hope that the BS might tell us ahead of the M10 . I’m not even sure when Westtown and George notify, I just assume the same as all the boarding schools. The wait is horrible. I hope I don’t lose my mind. My eighth grader is going to decide about boarding school or day school once she has her acceptances so the uncertainty is really doing a number on me. Thanks for listening.

Good luck @bsmom2004 ! I know George’s notification date is March 10th, Westtown’s website says Feb 1st for day students and March 10th for boarding. I wouldn’t count on hearing from schools earlier than M10. I’ve read from some posters that sometimes the school will call a few days before M10 if you applied for aid and they want you to go full pay. Then you have a choice of acceptance with full pay or rejection / wait list for FA reasons. Other than that you will probably have to wait all the way until M10.

My son is done with all his apps, and got an email from George that decisions would be posted to their applicant portal at 3pm on March 10th. 3pm seems pretty late in the day if you ask me. I’ve read that at least one other school he is applying to posts decisions at midnight, M10.

@PhotographerMom I hadn’t never accessed the freak out thread last year (not sure if that was a blessing or curse)…but just read a lot of the posts from it…so glad we aren’t going through that again this year. @Atria has always had my respect, but it was just renewed after reading that thread…she’s the best! Good luck everyone! Know that you have an entire CC community pulling for you!

Thank you @dramakid2 . Good luck to your son too! Did you also apply to Westtown?

^^I do have better grammar than that btw…I had put had never and the phone keeps changing it to hadn’t never. Sorry, but I tried to go half the day not paying it any attention and I just couldn’t take it anymore!

I knew what you meant. :wink:

And I also know how that feels, @buuzn03 !!!

@bsmom2004 we toured Westtown but ultimately decided it was not a good fit and he did not apply. I think the fact that it is a K-12 school changes a lot of the dynamics, and that was just very apparent the day we were there.

This sounds more like a parents freak out thread… :wink:

@babymalcolm oops you are so right!!

Who’s applying to NMH??

Thanks again, @dramakid2. I would be so interested in hearing your impressions about the K-12 impact. Choosing between day and BS is going to be a big deal for our family. Very families from our school apply to boarding so not a lot of discussion/experience in our community. Would love to hear your insights and no offense will be taken. We all have different opinions, impressions.

@babymalcolm parents are allowed to freak out, too!!! At home, we have to remain calm for our kids…for some parents, this is their only outlet!!!

@bsmom2004 I PMed you!

I am actually grateful my kid doesn’t know about this board, I think he would be intimidated! Admittedly I am freaking out more than he is!

@dramakid2 I didn’t tell DS about CC until after M10. He said he was glad I didn’t. He does stalk, though, now so he can see what kids currently in the process are posting…

Goodness gracious, is it just me or is every other applicant more interesting/qualified/intelligent/talented/prepared than I am? I really need to stop reading chances threads.

@Caratastrophe precisely the reason I didn’t tell DS about this forum until after M10. You are just as special and unique as the others…and you’ll find your fit. Try not to heighten your stress by comparing to others!

Public Service Announcement: If anyone out there is having second thoughts about how many schools they applied to… there are many amazing BSs ( in the Top 30 ) that have an app deadline of 1/31. Just throwing it out there just in case! All the best and good luck!! :slight_smile:

Is there anyone who is a junior-year applicant as I am?

Eeekkk! I just saw it was a Saturday! I wish that was the case last year. As a parent I was getting all the news while SwimKid was at school. We had 2 acceptances before he woke up though, so it was a nice start to the day. Hubby was home so we sat around anxiously waiting for the rest together, but not as nervously if we hadn’t had those acceptance before we woke up.

The afternoon may have been spent sipping champagne lol!

M10/16 was a day from hell!