The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

I plan to check after midnight on Friday night, I don’t think that I will be able to contain myself.

I plan to show up at @Golfgr8’s doorstep at dawn with champagne and Martinelli’s to celebrate acceptances and pints of ice cream for emotional eating in case of rejections. Somehow, it seems less extreme than staying up on the West Coast to see the first notifications when they come in.

My kiddo doesn’t know the date but kids at school might spill the beans. Think we’ll check on Sunday.

The “19th hole” is always open here!

@CaliMex @Golfgr8 or you can meet up half way, at my house! :wink:

time zones work to my advantage! i’m asleep when most come out so that would either be a great or terrible beginning to my sunday :wink:

Be prepared for anything. There may be some unexpected results and some disappointments. It could also be lack lustre. I remember with D2’s top three choices resulting in WL, we went out to celebrate her 3 admission decisions, but it was kind of meh. Not a ton of joy. Anticlimatic.

@GoatMama I’m not sure how halfway your house is, but if another halfway venue is needed, all of y’all can come here! @Golfgr8 @CaliMex DS will be home for break & can relay his M10 stories to make all feel better about their results! I’ll provide the snacks & 80s hits!!! M10 was rough for us…we will do our best to provide a better experience for all who join!

Wow, so M10 literally means M10 even on a weekend! I’m assuming the info is plugged in and set to automatically release at the school’s said time. This is the first rodeo in my house so it will be an interesting experience— or not. I’d love to have the will power to wait until all of the results are in but I know I won’t be able to! Question is, my kiddo is only 10 — peek ahead of time and break the news or look together, come what may?! We have five schools on the list, one will come by snail mail…

^most BS have Saturday classes, so it is another workday for them…

Oh that’s right, my child is applying as a day student so I wasn’t thinking straight!

@SkysTheLimit2007 I have to keep reminding myself of that every Saturday morning when I want to text DS nonsense! I’m still trying to train my brain!

I thought most of the schools have backed away from Saturday classes recognizing that students need some down time and think time to get their work done. I think Choate had all but done away except one a month and even then they seemed to use it only if they had to make up giving extra time off for some other reason.

Boardingschoolreview lists 79 schools (24%) with Saturday classes. Our school has Saturday classes, but as of this year all school days begin 30 min later to allow for extra sleep.

CTKid has Saturday classes, but a full day is split between Saturday and Wednesday, and his Saturdays have ended up being one, maybe two classes, his music ensemble and all-school meeting. I think he can only handle one completely unstructured day per week, so it’s fine, and he doesn’t mind it. I find myself feeling sorry for him on Friday night, when we’re all watching a movie and I realize he’s in study hall!

@Caratastrophe Ahh I know! The “I’m a top student with great extracurriculars and a perfect SSAT score” chances are doing NOTHING for my panic.

^same with buuznkid. They get half days on Wed & Sat. He has two free periods on Mondays in the middle of the day to catch up on absolutely anything, from studying to Instagram. His Saturday class is an elective of his choice, too, so he really looks forward to it. And to further @goatmama research…per, if you limit the area to New England, 44 schools have Saturday classes, whereas 52 schools don’t, so it is still pretty split. And those did not remove Day or Junior BSs from the mix, so the 52 may still be a bit padded in regards to most applicants on CC.

That moment when you read your essay after you submitted it and find an error… :((

@willmo Don’t worry! Listen, if your essay is well written and carefully edited it is likely they won’t even register the error. They are going to be reading TONS of essays so they will be moving quickly. Let it go and good luck!

I’m officially freaking out and don’t want to stress out my kid so can’t discuss at home. We are applying to NYC day schools and only two boarding schools. One of the bs is her top choice but she is also not 100% sure about bs over day school. I realize that we find out day school 2/15 and have to commit 3/15. BS is 3/10 and they are on spring break during that few days we know both. No chance to even do a visit. We will also likely be on spring break for official revisits anyway. I’m afraid she will have to release day spot without benefit of revisit or that she will just decide to forego boarding school. We don’t have any acceptances bs or day so it’s all moot for now hence the silent FREAK OUT!