The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

They come out on March 10 with the decisions as far as I know

Did you find that there were some schools who sent more emails and communicated more often then others? We found variability between schools on how much they communicated (not including the FA components) regarding application status, marketing, follow-up, completed items, and notification of decisions. Some schools sent follow-up swag (sweet!). Some schools had fun updates about events, athletics, and performances. Some schools seemed to have frequent admissions posts on social media, while others not too often. Some schools only posted a statement on their websites such as “It is the responsibility of each applicant to confirm status of application”. Most schools sent emails over the past few weeks regarding instructions for March 10, but some did not - - maybe more to arrive this week?

I haven’t gotten a single email about M10 yet. It seems the southern schools I’ve applied to were much more communicative - although they have several thousand fewer applicants per year. Note to any future applicants next year - do consider the non-NE schools. They may not have a band trip to Shanghai every year and dozens of other insane opportunities but their academics are still top-notch. Besides that, the north is not nearly as welcoming as the south. I only know a few admissions people and philosophy teachers at A/E, but I already feel like I know absolutely everyone at McCallie and Baylor.

Don’t skip over them because of their acceptance rates, either. McCallie and Baylor may not be very selective, but everyone I’ve met there is smart and incredibly kind. And all these genius Andover kids would likely do better at the top of their class at a school like Baylor than at the bottom of a class of superkids at Andover.

Do schools send a separate FA decision to your e-mail?

@nikolaanna that was our experience.

@woodcal03, that logic about top of class vs bottom of class was a big part of my decision not to apply to A/E and to apply to Govs. The only thing I’m worried about is that the science at Govs isn’t the same level as A/E and Hkiss DA and CRH

I only applied to one Southern school, yet now I’m not very sure about whether I want to go there or not. My friend who is going to a school in that State complained a lot about racial discrimination there. Not sure if it’s just there school or it’s the entire State’s issue.

@MaxLMZ I think racial discrimination is pretty much everywhere. Schools are usually pretty liberal in their think all around and are usually not bound to their state.

We’re so close to M10 now!

Yes, one week left!! I feel like it was just yesterday when I first started my application process, and I’m so excited/nervous for M10… hoping the best for everyone!

I mean, Tennesee’s definitely worse than Massachusetts when it comes to racial discrimination, but I haven’t seen problems with it where I live. Although I can’t speak for other schools.

I really want to read a book heavy on symbolism and metaphors and things. Like I really want to get good at annotating and analyzing literature. Does anyone have recommendations for a book that really conveys ideas?

@woodcal03 i always felt that movies convey more ideas because from a viewer point, you think whatever the character’s minds are at the set time interval the director wished. it really makes you think after you watch the movie and try to find the deeper meaning.

I just came back from a weekend long maths competition, and I’m happy to say I qualified for the international rounds!! Only problem is that now I’ve got to cram double time for the next round :smiley:

Can’t believe m10 is in 5 days!! (though some decisions come out on the 11th of my time zone)

trying not to think about M10 Has anyone told their friends about them applying to BS, or is it a secret?

It’s still a secret—I’ve only told two of my school friends and my best friend who goes to another school. I honestly don’t have that much true friends at my current school and I kinda want to tell them after I leave. It adds some sort of rebel feeling to this process lol

I’ve told my 2 best friends and the other people in my school who are applying know, but I feel like all my other good-but-not-best friends know too…

I’m to good at keeping secrets

*not, I’m not good