The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

Andover sent their instructions for Gateway decisions.

@snapchat anything different than what we already have on notifications thread? @zixzax love your idea…I agree with the theme…celebrate the efforts and just making it this far. Most kids y’all’s age (yes, that is a word here in the south) would never have gotten through the applications much less interviews & testing!!! Kudos to putting yourselves out there!

@buuzn03 just freaking out lmao

I meant with the Andover notifications…lol

This is our second shot at BS apps- last year’s applications resulted in half of the schools wait listing Y5kid and the other half rejecting. SSAT score went up quite a bit this application cycle, so we are hoping for the best. DC has not expressed any preoccupation with M10 but we, as parents, are anxious and hiding it from DC. Anxiety is definitely increasing with each passing day. DC was very disappointed last year, so we are trying to reinforce the idea that the school he/ she is attending now is great too, if it doesn’t work out again this year.

Hugs @yarmouth5!!! We are definitely pulling for you!!!

Now I’m just waiting for Exeter notifications…anyone received an email from them?

Oh, and best of luck to everyone applying! I hope you guys all get the news you want to hear on M10.

Good luck to everyone! I hope your kid gets accepted this year @yarmouth5

i’ve gotten all of my emails except for exeter too

ahhh I’m so nervous !!!

@randomapplicant1 when Exeter emailed my kid in January that all of her application components were received, they said all decisions would be sent via email or letter by M10. They also said that if an email or letter was not received by March 15th, that was when we should contact their office. Did you get an email back in January from them saying they had received all of your app materials? Go back and reread it, if you saved it.

@narcissediaz98 I got that email, but I haven’t gotten a more recent email about if they had a separate portal to access the decisions

Emails are starting to flood the inbox… :smiley:

Well, I’ve got a school competition AND a relative’s birthday on M9, not to mention said family relative’s birthday dinner on M10 ITSELF!! It’s going to be a hell of a weekend, that’s for sure >_<

Also, the realisation that I might actually leave has sort of hit me; I wasn’t allowed to try out for a competition happening next year since there’s a possibility I won’t be here next year, I’m practically shaking…

@altablue, the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago!! I better get accepted somewhere now because if I don’t, I’ll not be able to do many competitions next year!

@randomapplicant1 unless we hear otherwise, my kid and I are just assuming when they mentioned letter or email, we’ll receive an email that morning. We haven’t gotten any other correspondence about a portal either. Good luck on M10!!

good attitude. I feel like we are going to be in this boat on M10

@narcissediaz98 thanks! And good luck to you too :slight_smile: