The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

@MaxLMZ Thanks. Bard was one of my DD’s top pics, but they only offered $7500 for FA, but TJS and Wayland have offered 80% so Bard just won’t cut it sadly.
I’m so proud of her, though. We have hears from 3 school, out of 8, and she has been accepted to all. I am really rooting for EHS, but Kent would be great bc we have family in CT

Is it bad that no AO’s have reached out to me? All the schools that I applied to release decisions tommorow… :-SS

My question is that is it good that an AO replied me today

Of which school???

I doubt that it is a bad thing. I think it is good but don’t read too much into it!


Yea , I guess that is a good sign!

Stupid question. What are AO saying to people today?


I just got into a local day school!!


@MaxLMZ people on the thread are saying AO have contacted them today. If acceptances come tomorrow why are AO’s contacting people today?

Did you not understand my question?

Suffield already released its decisions…

We’ve heard from Thacher, Emma Willard, and Westover so far… All good news, though the FA packages vary greatly. Expect to hear from the rest tomorrow! Fingers crossed, everyone!

@CaliMex Awesome. Best wishes for tomorrow.

We have a tee time!!

Congrats @CaliMex @Golfgr8 !!!

I have received a decision from my a school, and I was accepted! It was my safety school, so at least I know that I will be going to boarding school next year! Hoping to get accepted into more schools tomorrow.

lol I didnt apply to any safety schools