The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

So happy for you @brassarrow! All is well that ends well right?

@ToughFox, yes I am, class of 2022!

CONGRATS @brassarrow

@brassarrow that’s awesome! FVS is a great school! You’ll love it!!

@Ravenclaw3 I can see we’re both Ravenclaws and we both got into Exeter!

@brassarrow Fountain Valley School is an amazing school with such a unique and beautiful campus! It’s definitely a hidden gem of a school! When my daughter was applying to schools a couple years ago, we visited the campus for her to take her SSAT and toured the grounds, but ultimately choose not to apply because of FA reasons. I love hearing when people get into these amazing and unique schools that we don’t hear much about! Congrats on the acceptance and on the full FA package as well!

Thanks, all! I’m still waiting on Westtown, but FVS will probably be my final choice! Turns out I don’t need a bucket of ice cream to cry in…

Congrats everyone who got accepted! This is really just the beginning!

@Nachthexen567 It’s amazing, isn’t it? (Although I suppose Ravenclaws might be a bit more likely to apply . . .)

Guys I didn`t get anything from Exeter until now, should I worry or just wait?

Anyone know where to find Govs FA? Is it in the system somewhere or coming by mail? Got acceptance letter but could not find FA only videos.

Maybe it will come in a letter later? @Happytimes2001

I’m a Ravenclaw too! And a Horned Serpent!

No word for us on Exeter as well. Kinda odd, no?

Are the Exeter emails going to the parents or the applicant?

@Nachthexen567 and @Ravenclaw3 if you end up at Exeter, keep an eye out for my son, who will likely be wearing his favorite Ravenclaw Quidditch t-shirt :wink:

@zoomazoom both my son and I received emails

For the missing Exeter emsils, did you check your spam folder?

@Happytimes2001 we got our FA information in the official contract/acceptance package a few days after M10. So I would think if you wait a few days, you’ll get it with the paperwork as well. Congrats!!!

Finally have all our decisions.
She didn’t get into Kent or EHS, was waitlisted for Virginal Episcopal, and was accepted to Wayland (WI), TJS, Bard, Hebron, and Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall.
The best FA pages are Wayland and TJS so we just have to see which she prefers. TJS is the best option for ease of travel.

Anyway, glad the wait is over!

@LauriJo congrats!!!