The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

They overadmit because they expect a percentage of students won’t accept their offer. Don’t sweat it.

We felt terrible making a call to decline an offer to an admissions officer who was very helpful during the process and with whom Prepx3S really bonded with, but they responded with a very positive and thoughtful email a day later. It was not easy, but we are very happy with his final decision in the end!

I didn’t really feel that bad, I just clicked one button that said no I will not attend. The schools have to have expected it.

Don’t feel badly. One AO revealed relief as they were overenrolled with freshmen girls!

@PhotographerMom please come back to CC and PM me… I need help and I can’t message yet!!

@oli_fuzzypanda, congrats for your achievements. Certainly a lot to be proud of. However, looking at all your posts, I think some humility may be in order and it will help you in the future. Take it for what it’s worth as advice from someone who was in top 5 amongst millions in India by “test” and “early accomplishment” measures but took a lot of falls due to letting it get to head. Best of luck.

I was going through old threads, (I’m applying this year). My birthday is on March 10th, soooo March 2019 is gonna be so much fun :frowning:

@bookmerd Maybe you’ll get to spend your birthday on top of the world because you got into your dream school :slight_smile:

Hopefully! But I just hope that I don’t freak out so much on the day that I won’t be able to experience my birthday. Thanks to international time differences, I get my results at 5:00 PM.