The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread

If the cause for them was out of your control, I am sure you are fine

Random, but has anyone tried the BBQ sauce in my pfp? I’ve only had it a few times in 4th grade when my mom was making potatoes, but I never forgot the flavor. It is veryyyy good 11/10 recommend. It’s very pepper-y and also kind of sweet

I can’t believe I am going to find out the decisions next week! I feel like this year has gone by super fast. I’m not even sure what I did in January… Anyone else feels that way?

@CavsFan2003 That was me a few days ago. For some reason, my SSAT essays came to mind. I thought that I wouldn’t submit my first test results so I intentionally wrote a crappy essay.

My second essay was mediocre but that first one was just utter garbage.

@YoungThriver I wouldn’t worry, AOs probably know that you were on a time crunch while writing. And anyway, what’s done is done right? Now if only I could follow that advice…

My SSAT essay was NOT my best lol

I only took it once and I hadn’t done enough prep for it

I don’t remember my SSAT essay but I don’t think it was great lol

@CavsFan2003 if your grade seemed to have dropped for maybe a quarter/semester if it’s not too late you could email your interviewer/the admissions committee and explain what happened, my grades had d’s and c’s for my quarter/semester grades, rather than the normal a’s because of smth going on, and i emailed my interviewers. they put it in my file for the admissions committee to consider when going over my app, so we’ll see how that goes

best of luck to you !!

Remember: It doesn’t matter how many rejections you get, you only need to be admitted to ONE school :wink:

I really hope my favorite schools (which changed after submitting application) accept me :slight_smile:

I also just got a confirmation from SMS if anyone didn’t. Their title said “Great Job” and for a second I thought I was somehow admitted lol.

@sparkatzz When did you submit your application? I haven’t gotten a confirmation yet.

@CavsFan2003 I submitted everything on Jan. 31. Did you check your portal?

@sparkatzz My dad never got the portal link.

Then you probably should call in the office to check the portal link and your application status. @CavsFan2003

@sparkatzz I called and left a message about 10 minutes ago!

Idk if this is just me, but I see a lot of people on CC this year with Choate as their first choice!

I really liked Choate when I visited and their arts program is really cool. On a side note, 30 days until March 9th!

Choate was in my kiddo’s personal Top 2 list a couple of years ago.

hahah choate’s my first choice bc i really want to be part of their orchestra - i’ve been playing the violin for literally forever and i love it and it sounds so fun to be able to go on international tours i think like every other year and all