The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

update: so i’m mentally disabled. you CAN copy and paste on gateway, my laptop is just not compatible with it. tried it on a different laptop and it worked

@ens2006 IKR SMH

what do you think you did well in/didn’t do well in?

(idk if reflections are allowed since we signed that contract so not specifics questions but just sections in general)

@ens2006 @Mercurrii
I just took mine yesterday; I had to go all the way to Seoul to take my test!
The day before I wasn’t studying anything else but the vocab section lol because I was so paranoid about not knowing anything despite the fact I studied the vocab for like, 5 months.
I think I did good on most parts and a little ‘eh’ on the writing part. How about you?

This might sound weird but what year were you guys born in? I’m so confused because the grade system is so different in the USA.

@SolarJ - @ens2006 and I are both in 8th! And we both took the upper level.

I was born in 2006 but in the summer so I’m like, one of the youngest ones in my grade.
IDK about E though.

And I think I did decent on the prompt, we literally had this debate in school a few weeks ago so I was pleasantly surprised.

okay so Loomis, Taft, and Andover really out here NOT doing great with interviews ha

@solarj i was born in 2006 at the very end of August so i’m also like one of the youngest people in my grade

@Mercurrii reading 100 percent was the easiest, i think that quantitative was the hardest bc i literally haven’t studied for it.

@Mercurrii I just took it today and the reading and verbal sections were pretty easy. The math though…

Oop! I’m a '05; I still haven’t made up my mind as to whether I should repeat 9th or go for 10th.

Wow so I haven’t looked on this for a month and there is already 10 PAGES.
I’m December ‘05
I also took my SSAT yesterday. Math is one of my strong subjects so it wasn’t that hard. Verbal was probably the hardest for me.

@ens2006 i’m hyped to hear that deerfield is one of your top choices! i absolutely love it here—i used to think that i would hate the location but now that i’m here i think it’s the best! while financial aid isn’t exactly helpful towards your chances, da (and other schools) are pretty generous with giving it out as long as you demonstrate what makes you stand out. might i ask what it is about da that you like?

If you are on the young side, or you are coming from a weaker school, then repeating can be a good idea. I’ve noticed in both my kids schools the young kids really stand out as YOUNG. Both mine are right in the middle birth year wise so it wasn’t a question for them. Imagine a bunch of hormonal teenagers all let loose together with very minimal supervision. What you think happens, definitely happens. The younger kids often feel uncomfortable IMO.

I’ve also seen kids transfer in later and without freshman year to get up to speed their grades suffer. This is coming from weak LPS though.

@marcellasne ok so first off the campus is absolutely gorgeous. I can’t really pinpoint what it is i like, i just do. Whenever i look at the view book or watch videos about it i like the school so much more than any of the others.

but there app process is so off putting. it’s so long and i feel like my essay for them is going to be so bland and boring.

@SolarJ you would definitely be on the young side for a 10th grader. In Florida, if you were born after August 31st, you had to wait another year to go into school. So pretty much what i’m saying is that if you were in Florida you would be in the 8th grade.

@marcellasne i also would like to say that for the DA essay none of the topics apply to me.

@ens2006 oof, good luck with that. I was told that the essay prompts are pretty vague, but maybe for DA they’re different.

Also, Concord Academy interview today! I’ve still gotta make my notes so I’m doing
g r e a t. Fun times.

Share and reflect on a moment or experience that sparked personal growth or a new perspective.
Describe a facet of your identity or personal story that is essential to who you are and will strengthen the Deerfield community.
Please share with us one of your fondest memories

those are the prompts. They are vague but I’m just a boring person

Hill Interview today!!!

@eekeek @ens2006 So I think overall I was okay, I did well on the verbal and reading parts (so I hope) and like analogies being the thing I struggle with the most I thought it would take me a long time but no. for math though I didn’t finish the second section and I skipped and guessed a few questions so that probably brought it down quite a bit. :anguished: