The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@Mercurrii omg SaMe!
I just want to see how i do on this to know what i really have to study. I might take like a one section practice test but i don’t want to study just so i can see how i can do based on what i have learned.
Nervous but excitedd(::

Oof, good luck you guys. You’re all gonna do great and stuff, encouraging vibes are comin from me.

Also, for my fellow 8th graders, what are you guys taking in science right now? Just tryna gauge how far behind/ahead (but most likely behind) my public school system is compared to others.
Also, what math courses do you guys take?
This is a really open ended question, lol…

@TheHappinessFund um, I’m taking algebra (but basically failing w/ my 88 hehebdshkjgc)

and we’re learning about space rn! (let me just flex a bit cuz today was so fun) My science teacher’s dad actually works at NASA, and she’s trying to get him to come and talk to us. and today we got to see actual moon rocks and meteorites! :slight_smile: and I think that it’s fine because you seem so smart and you can probably take extra online courses if you want.

Oof, you’re so lucky that you get to take algebra in school! I have to take an online course to make up for it…
Also, space is so f r i c k i n cool. We’re doing physics, and it’s okay, but having someone from NASA sounds awesome,

Also 88? Is not failing? Don’t talk down on yourself like that,

If nobody has yet told you this, you’re in for a world of hurt if you get into a BS where 95% of students can kiss their record of straight A’s good-bye. :slight_smile:

so I’ve heard, but I’ve never gotten a B before y’ know and it’s kind of disappointing.

@mercurrii I think I applied to the same school you mentioned in post #123. I wrote about Arrested Development (a show with quite… mature themes) for my TV show/movie. One tip I got every time along the way, both from AO’s and high school students, was to be yourself. They don’t really “expect” to hear anything, besides what’s coming from you.

Side note: If anyone has questions about Lville send me a DM, I’ll reply ASAP.

I think it is telling that to be on honor roll, or graduate with honors, from many of these schools you only need a B average. That was not the case when I was in high school but I think it says a lot about the grades they expect kids to get.

If B+ = high honors at the schools you are applying to you should take note and have a mental reminder that Bs are likely in your future. (Although I understand that many applicants think they will continue to be in the top 10%)

@TheHappinessFund I’m taking Algebra l rn.

So FL standards changed, before it was Earth Space Science, then Physical, and another kind of science and the grade each was taught in middle school was different depending on the school.

Anyways, I took Earth space science in 6th grade but bc of FL standards now we have “comprehensive science” so we learn a little bit of everything in each grade. It doesn’t really work though because all the eight graders have already taken earth space science and we haven’t learned many things that we technically should have in 6th in 7th grade.

Basically, the FL public school system is a complete disaster.

a lot of the essays are asking about a person/event that has influenced you so i think i can just write ONE really good essay for all the schools.

i’m gonna write it about my 7th grade science teacher.

@ens2006 ooh seems cool
Also, you had science class in 6th grade?? We didn’t have a set “science period” until 7th. Huh.

@TheHappinessFund No science? I thought FL education was bad. Just wow.

I was writing my Choate essay and I didn’t like the format Gateway to Prep schools gave you for the essay, so i wrote it in word after pasting my current work. So after writing my rough draft to see how many characters it is, i go to paste it back into gateway and at this point my essay box on gateway is blank because i had just deleted it and,


don’t write your essays on word.

I have to hand type my whole essay again.

oh no @ens2006 ! that must be awful! do you have your word copy saved?

TEST TODAY!!! Is everyone ready?

This is from 2 years ago, but Kiddo used Gateway. He wrote his essays in Google Docs. Cutting and pasting worked fine. So not sure what is going on now with it.

Good luck with your apps - it is so stressful what you are doing. But you will get through it!

@RedLioness yeah i just have to type it onto gateway

@Mercurrii ok so the SSAT was harder and easier than i thought.