The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@eekeek everything is submitted! it’s part by part, so after you hit submit on the individual parts (parent statements, essays, candidate profile, etc.) you’re good.

@ens2006 Great! I finally finished my app and started to sit back and relax when I had a sudden epiphany ?

@eekeek yo congrats! I know most stuff is due today, so for those of us done with everything, it’s smooth sailing from here until M10.
gonna try my best to not die of anticipation until then.

54 days

Does anyone know if you can get accepted but waitlisted for financial aid? As in, you’re accepted if you can muster up the money, but if you really can’t pay you’ll need to wait for a spot to open up? I was wondering since Lville may reject based on financial aid needs.

ive heard of that happening, but im not sure how often?

We have close friends that had the opposite happen to them, they were waitlisted but received a call from admission saying that they could not offer FA and if they were willing to be FP their DD would be accepted. It was at one of the GLADCHEMMS schools.

@peachysoo Hi there. In response to your question about getting accepted but WL for FA, YES. Happened to us last year with the Pennington school.

Thank you guys for replying, fingers crossed that I just get in haha

aghhhhh im trying so hard not to click the chances or questions so i dont freak out.

how have you guys been doing?

Honestly, right now I’m just trying to forget about admissions haha. But all the while, I still find myself counting down the days until March 10th… But the excitement and “risk” of it all really draws me in, thinking whether I’ll get in or not!

SAME!! i can so relate. ive been trying to distract myself with midterm studying, but i cant exactly say its working

I’m in winter break right now so really all I’m doing is studying for the next school year and playing LoL. Psshh

I have had a lot of time to read since I have submitted my application. It is honestly quite refreshing because I was always so busy with essays or studying for the SSAT.

What kind? I’m really trying to make reading science journals and other knowledgeable books easy for myself but reading something which you have to look up jargon every 5 seconds is tough. I’m currently reading ‘The Triumph of Seeds’, a biology book. It’s… tough. It’s funny because reading Harry Potter or fiction books goes by in a flash but these kind take so long to go through.


Haha, you sound like me during my Lawrenceville interview. During the parent interview, I was browsing through reddit when I looked up and noticed that everyone was reading a book or something. Wanting to look “intellectual” (who knows if someone was watching me?), I picked up a copy of the student political magazine (hoping to seem cultured) and started reading through, eventually landing on a satire article. Unfortunately, this satire article was so funny I ended up laughing so hard that the visits coordinator remarked “you can keep that if you want.” I ended up mortified.

Moral of the story: In a year or two, you’ll read this comment and cringe at yourself. In the meantime, read something that you… you know, can get through. It’s a much more pleasurable experience. (Also, you probably won’t have enough free time for pleasure reading at school, so make the most of your remaining time).

@soo2024 I second the question presented by @SolarJ lol.
also if anyone wants book recs and is into political stuff i have a loT of suggestions.
I’m high key jealous that you have time to read lol. I always have assigned reading from school which, don’t get me wrong, is interesting, but i’d rather be reading stuff that i actually want to read. (Currently reading Life of Pi and The Help in class, anyone else?)
This final semester is actually the busiest one of middle school for me, with graduation, the science fair, and the China trip piled onto our teachers flooding us with assignments to make up for lost time after going wayy to slowly for the first semester.

@SolarJ and @TheHappinessFund I am currently reading Little Women. I saw the movie and then immediately got the book. I finished reading the Maze Runner series yesterday. In my opinion it was a tad bit boring, but then again that is just my opinion.
Honestly a good book series to read if you have not is the Giver series. The first book is really good, but the others are meh. Also The Young Elites series is also very good. I read it over the summer.
Those are a few of my recommendations.
The reason I have so much time to read is because I am normally in the car for around an hour and a half each day. Also my school was in ERB week and teachers can’t give much hw.


yooo I wish I could get through books like little women. but they are
(in my opinion)
Also? I love the giver? woAH.

So @soo2024 , I am decades older than you but read Little Women more than once in my youth. All of my friends seemed to identify with one of the sisters. Did you?