The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@mondaydevil it gets real. I know you seem to be a fabulous student, and i feel you on the waitlists, but i just today searched up my name and found an obscure news article, my pinterest, my YouTube channel (neither of which I post anything on), and the like. Don’t put your name on anything that could negatively affect you in the future unless you’re sure. And that in particular will bite you in the butt well and truly come reapplication or waitlist admission time. Delete it ASAP, and i hope you havent posted anything on it.

In terms of winter clothes: my New England BS kid does not own winter boots. I offered to buy him some but he said he didn’t need them. He also does not own a scarf and said he wore a winter hat exactly once. I don’t think he owns gloves either. He said he has never been cold and his winter jacket isn’t particularly warm. He said he didn’t need a warmer, thicker winter jacket either because he is one of those kids who is wearing a hoodie and no jacket when it’s 40 degrees out, and isn’t cold.

So you might want to hold off on buying winter stuff and see what you really need, and maybe what other kids are wearing, and then order online when you need it.

@gardenstategal @RedLioness You’re right, you’re right. I do regret being a part of it, though it was fun for a little bit. It was a group thing with a few other kids on cc, but I deleted everything I posted and logged out of the account.

I think I’ll put my energy towards researching new schools. I’ve recently found Putney and I actually love the vibe I’m getting!! Evening arts sound super relaxing and farm-grown food is probably amazing.

@mondaydevil that’s inspiring.
You seem like such a strong-willed and positive person. Wish I could steal your mindset!

Can’t say the same for me, I’ve pretty much accepted my sad fate already.

AHHH i’m so excited

@RedLioness hey! new lower at exeter. i’m from california, so i’m kind of freaking out about the weather and packing appropriate clothes. also, are you allowed to take both classical and modern languages?

last question lol - how familiar are you with the music program? if you’re familiar, do you know if any music students are active in other programs outside of exeter? thanks

sorry I can’t figure out how to PM

@generaltosspot7 unfortunately, you need a certain number of posts to send a dm, but you can still recieve and respond to dms. that’s probably why you couldn’t figure it out haha

also, these are the schools i’m looking at! does anyone have any suggestions for additions to the list? I’m looking for small-medium schools in the general northeastern area.

Concord Academy (first choice!!!)
St. Paul’s
Loomis Chaffee
St. Andrew’s (DE)
Vermont Academy


I know its not in the northeast, but Cate (in california!) satisfies the other needs!

@lulicardoso My DD got accepted to SG. I don’t know much about the waitlist but we absolutely love the school!!

@mondaydevil Have you considered all-girl schools? Dana Hall in Wellesley. Westover in CT.

@stalecookies I thought all-girls schools might be less diverse than co-ed schools, so I hadn’t. I’ll look into it though!!

Some say there’s also more financial aid in the form of merit scholarships.

It’s sad that so few applicants applying to single sex schools - I know I didn’t at your age, and I certainly can’t convince my own kid, but it’s shortsighted. A Dana alumna at church raves about the place, almost as much as her late husband loved his Exeter. (They were a cliche MIT/Wellesley couple. Dana Hall was originally a feeder school for Wellesley. Take that with a grain of salt - after all, the Cambridge School of Weston was originally the Cambridge School for Girls, founded as a feeder school for Radcliffe College.)

Bonus trivia:
Queen Noor of Jordan went to Concord Academy (your first choice), but
Princess Aisha bint Hussein (sister of current king) of Jordan went to Dana Hall. :wink:

@stalecookies Did you attend Dana Hall? If so, what’s it like?

No, I attended a rival school as a day student.

But a woman at church was gushing about what an amazing time she had at Dana Hall, and thought my daughter should have applied there. It’s recognized as a good school, has a great history, and their matriculation list reflects this.

They compete against Concord Academy in sports. Seriously, it’s worth looking at. They start considering late application on a rolling basis after April 10th.

@stalecookies great! thank you so much for the insight

@mondaydevil Westminster! Westminster! Westminster!

@ttK5050 I am! It’s such a great school and I think they have a virtual revisit in a few weeks

@mondaydevil I have another child at Mercersburg if you want to know anything about it. My kid has been enjoying his time there. The people are REALLY kind, my kid has been MORE than sufficiently challenged academically (it was a huge deal for him when he was forced to throw in the towel in Latin IIIH and step down to Latin IIH his freshman year), they are the most organized I’ve ever seen a college counseling office (you get assigned your counselor as a freshman, so they really know you AND I’ve learned that you would be considered on the Pennsylvania docket (as opposed to NYC or MA docket which are much more intense)), the Art facilities are beautiful and as someone with an artistic bent, the work I’ve seen on the walls has been remarkably good for high school students, I don’t know too much about athletics, but my kid has been able to be on two sports teams although I think some of the teams are powerhouses, they are a one strike school which I like and I also think my kid appreciates, and I could go on so if you have specific questions just ask and I’m sure I or another Mburg parent could answer. I do wish the food was better and there were more washing machines per capita, but my kid doesn’t seem to be complaining about either. My other kid didn’t apply to Mburg because she could stay at her current school (and still may) and she didn’t want to be so far from home so we applied to schools that were either closer to us, or had a true ballet program. Good for you for looking beyond the typical top ten list.

@mondaydevil good to see that you’ve rallied! you’re so resourceful, congrats on being back on your feet already! i don’t know much but i have nothing but the best wishes for you!

@Sleepingatlast Westminster has been added to my list!!

@parentofnicekid Wow, Mercersburg sounds really awesome. I’ll definitely apply!!

@RedLioness Thank you!!