The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

And congrats to the Thacher person. I can’t find your post!

CONGRATS!!! So excited for you!!!

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it’s so selective this year ,for mx it’s 377 applicants for 9th grade girls boarding and only 25 spots

WOAH!! That’s crazy selective!!


now ig my chances at middlesex are also gone lol

I have the pending Exeter thing on FedEx . . .

how many spots for boys?

omg rly? what does it say?

not sure

You mean the “masters” thing?

cc its a complete sentence

Yeah. It says the master tracking number thing and pending delivery. I don’t really know what to make of it

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Thanks! I hope it means something :\

That’s what all of us had

yea we all had that ,some actually had it from exeter

How do you see where it’s from?

I thought only one person did?

Honestly, I don’t think FedEx tracks packages delivered before the account was made either! While not everybody can get in to Exeter, it doesn’t make sense for nearly NOBODY on CC to get in either! Stay positive everyone and hang in there till M10!!! We can do this! :smiley:


it would’ve said it on the notification

This whole thing is really stressful