The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I definitely understand where you’re coming from. I think a lot of is just what perspective you look at it from. I generally like to look at circumstances like these and their results as stepping stones to where you will eventually end up. But you’re completely right, it all depends on how you look at things and truly how much of a weight it holds on your life.

Okay, wow, it’s really hitting me now. M10 is just one sleep away…


We probably won’t even fall asleep though😂


True lol- excited to binge tv instead of stressing and/or sleeping.


Oh wait we could have a netflix party later as a distraction after hw?


Were any numbers given specifically for girls boarding? We applied as a freshman girl to MX.

Even though I get my decisions in the afternoon tomorrow, I probably won’t be able to fall asleep tonight (especially because of the scary acceptance rate statistics this year😀)

Does anyone know what time tabor comes out??

around 25 spots

We should !

I originally thought what this was saying is they have 100 spots, but they accepted over the 100 as they get declines, but when I looked at the math, I think 13% of 1442 is 187, and that seems like it’s too many extra admits, so now I think I’m wrong.

Quick primer for your “acceptance rate” calculations.

1000 applicants for 100 spots does NOT mean 10% admission rate, as schools accept more students than slots, anticipating that not everyone will accept their admission offer.

So if a school knows that they typically get 50% of admission offers to be accepted (called “yield”), they will offer, in this instance, 200 admissions, expecting 100 slots to be filled.

So in this (fictional) case, the admission rate would be 20%, even though at first glance it “sounds like” it would be 10%.

Offering up the XXXXX applicants for YYYYY seats is often used, probably because it DOES sound more selective as a percentage.


i’m really scared because of that 8% acceptance rate. seems weird that it would cut in half in just a year.


I think I’m way calmer than I should be. Idk why. I’ll probably have a few minutes of complete panic in the morning before I actually check things

did u guys see st. paul’s dramatic decision video lol it’s on their insta

Wow - I thought there were about 90 freshman, so that seems like such little space for other grades!

yea middlesex is a small school,this isn’t out of their normal though usually 110 spots are available (not 110 ppl admitted btw)

Wow! I’m so worried for tomorrow.

don’t be ,the numbers are discouraging but there’s always a shot !

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What if more people say yes than they anticipate?