The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread


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shoot :pensive:

ill just wait for tomorrow

Hey everyone I know it’s m9 and we’re all stressed and worried so I wanted to say a few words. We have all worked so hard on these applications and have poured our hearts and souls into them. It’s been a rough year, balancing Covid, school and boarding school applications. I wanted to say that I am proud of every single one of you who have gone through this (especially if this is your second year). I haven’t been on this thread for too long but I have gotten to know every one of you fairly well and any school would be more than lucky to have you representing them. I want to remind you that if, for any reason, you do not receive the news you were hoping for tomorrow, it is not the end of the world. This is one tiny event in your whole life of success. For all you know, not getting into a school could lead on you onto a path of success and happiness that you wouldn’t be able to experience otherwise. I want to encourage all of you to remember that everything works out in the end and that after every storm there is always a rainbow. One decision is not going to make or break your life. It might feel like it’s all you have right now but I promise you in 20 years you will look back on this m10 and no exactly why everything played out as it did. If you do receive an acceptance, which all of you more than deserve, I am beyond happy for you and excited for you to take on this new journey. Tomorrow will be a landslide of emotions for everyone, so all we can do is hope that whatever happens, it leads to a future full of happiness and prosperity. Wishing all of you the best!


Omg i wonder how many were for 10th grade :anguished:

I agree with most you said; but for me, not this. My LPS is forcing me to skip freshman year because of my credits. This would put me behind everyone there extracurricular-wise. My parents do not want me at Kent, so that school is off the table. So for me, not getting into any other schools may alter a lot.

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oh wow now I’m nervous

@Lex6314 is 100 the total spots at the school or just 9th grade?

I know this isn’t there are threads for this but just wondering which school do you think is better Andover or Exeter?

I think it’s because that number represents applicants to all of the grade levels. 13% may still be the acceptance rate for freshmen

I’ll cheer for you harder!!!

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Me too

I personally like Exeter better


I dont have that strong of an opinion on it but i like andover more. I just think they did a better job with the virtual events and overall during the application season

they admit more students than spots


omg it’s already M10 at my time zone


Oh that makes sense. Thanks!

Remember that the schools admit more people than there are spots-they do it based on their yield rates. So if 80% of students typically accept their offer of admission (which is high) then they offer about 120% of the spots they have-so if they have 80 spots, they admit 100 people. That’s why admit rates look a little higher.