The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Well first let’s start with times ,we could do different small groups maybe. ?

9–10:15 for me probably

lol i wont be able to join, time zones.

Yeah, 9 - 10:15 for me

that’s unfortunate:(

EST right?

Yes est

Just a reminder that I think there might be a SLIGHTLY better chance for getting off the waitlist this year… I could definitely be wrong, but my mom is in college admissions and they usually have a similar trend. Due to COVID, a lot more people are applying but not everyone can say yes to every school, so don’t be completely discouraged if you get waitlisted… the school still loved you


its okay, i’ll probably want to sleep so i wont stress for m10

I can do 6:00-7:30 if we eat dinner early or 7:45-8:45 if we eat later!

Do you guys have platform preferences?

Idrc tbh

Idk I think discord would be most efficient

Yeah discord

You can stream movies on discord ? I did not know that

9-10:15 for me too

Yeah screenshare

ok also @nonbinarywood it seems like everyone is heading toward 9-10:15 would u rather do that time so everyone could be together but keep in mind that i will be asking the other gc so the other time groups may become bigger

Yeah sure that works!! I’d just have to leave about half an hour early but that’s fine lol

idk if i can do it… 9-10:15 might be okay. i’ll pop in if i can!!!