The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I can’t keep up with your posting! :).

But to answer the question from some folks: my daughter had a number of schools that had earlier decision dates than M10, so she actually already has half of her answers. (but they were mostly planned that way).

Last year, my other daughter had ALL M10 decisions, and zero notifications, so we got up at like 6 am (west coast) and we huddled together and went through all the portals and celebrated and it was one of my favorite hours I’ve ever spent with my daughter. Really it was so lovely!

so while there is definitely less stress this year with options trickling in over the past 10 days, it’s also not going to be quite as exciting tomorrow.


This happened to me. When I refreshed after trying to click around, it went away and I never saw it again. I don’t know if it’s a glitch or if we are part of a “large grouping of packages” that don’t specify it out?

When I googled it, it seems to be some reference to a mulitple piece shipment. I just don’t understand what happened since it went away and never to be seen again.

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What schools are you considering?

(I too am a West Coast (Cali) Mom of a DD 8th grader with all M10 decisions, who was doing great until I read this Freak Out Thread!!)

i dont rly think so. everyone who checked fedex here got either the masters thing or an actual package id thingy. i suppose its a glitch and even the customer service was vry confused.

Thanks, to you too!

Yeah, it seems like a weird glitch… Just hoping we get 1 acceptance with FA… so BS can actually happen.

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good luck! keeping my fingers crossed for ur DD! <3

Wait when did you make you account?

Also, congratulations!!!

Keep in mind this is the exact place for those freakouts. This thread is the fun-but-wild kid table at the wedding. For more measured and mature (ha) freakout, you might wander over to the prep parent subforum. :).


And this stress is exactly why I never made any UPS/USPS/FedEx accounts :laughing:

lol same xD

Yesterday we got the label is created notice from the press in North Andover via UPS but it still doesn’t show as shipped. Anyone else?

I am the opposite - I can handle any news head on, but uncertainty and waiting are just unbearable…

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A gentle reminder, you will know in less than 24 hours what’s exactly going on. Anything right now is mostly just conspiracies :))

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Same. But I think that the package/shipment notification frenzy is even more uncertain. I’d rather wait until I can know for sure.

Well now I know I got rejected from both Andover and Exeter. And SPS hardly accepts any Asians, and Choate was my worst application so I’m screwed. I don’t expect much tomorrow lol.

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Yeah, I was rejected from Andover and Exeter too. Though I did have that glitch

but the conspiracies are so much fun to contemplate…

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Yup, well aware. Just asking a question.

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