The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

There’s an application checklist verifying that they’ve received all of the different application steps

the thing in the portal where it marks the stuff you’ve finished for the application

good luck to those that applied to mps!

Exeter added 8 to the portal!

As in, they said they’d release at 8am

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Waitlisted, unfortunately. I was reading the FAQ and it looks like I wouldn’t be able to get much FA even if I got off, so I’ve mentally crossed MPS off my list (I still stayed on the wait list just in case). It was one of my first choices and I’m kinda disappointed that I won’t have the chance to go to be honest. It feels like I’m in this hallway with all these open doors but the one with Miss Porter’s has been closed and locked forever. No TIE program, no AIS classes and now I have all of this Porter’s swag that I can’t really use lmao.

I’m definitely sad, maybe sadder than I thought because I was kinda expecting to get in. But not as sad as I was last year, so I’ll take that as a good thing! The more I process it the sadder I get so I’m gonna go distract myself with homework or sewing now. Probably gonna re-read the Waitlist thread.


You know what, it’s okay. I’m pretty sure you got into Westover? Was that you? I hope so. But remember, MPS thought you were qualified, there just was not enough room. You can always hope to get off of the waitlist, but tomorrow will give you many more options!


I’m probably gonna take a break from this thread until tomorrow. I’m addicted lol. See you guys on the other side!!!


For real though I have so much Porter’s swag because I won a game at an event (which might reveal info about me but it’s okay) and now I have Porter’s mugs, a Porter’s blanket, a Porter’s water bottle, a Porter’s tote, a Porter’s charger, and one of those Porter’s flag thingies, and a Porter’s beanie and a Porter’s makeup bag. What the frick am I supposed to do with all of this Porter’s swag???


Yeah, I did get into Westover! And yeah, I know, I’ve been telling myself that (: but still, thanks for the reminder and thanks for being nice <3


I dunno but I’m sure it’s "porter"ble so you can bring it to wherever you go! (sorry!)


Do you guys still see the pending delivery thing with the master tracking id on fedex? For me it disappeared.

oh thanks

I’m sure you’ll get a bunch of other options tomorrow, but I have a friend at Westover and she loves it!

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yep thats a glitch from fedex.

Fr omg I’m so nervous like cmonnn tabor hahhaa

Wait wait do y’all think tabor meant like midnight???

It is supposed to be NOW!! EST 7pm March 9. But I don’t see anything.

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its sort of funny im here for hs applications and then at some point i’ll forget abt cc until college apps


Ikr! I’ll probably try to stay a little active here and there, and perhaps help guide next year’s applicants!