The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

The time rn really does feel like the calmness before a storm!

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To add a bit, an admissions officer told me by email. She told me ‘it will be released at midnight, via email.’

congrats! kent is a great school!

Yeah!!! Congrats!!

Idk then

I just got waitlisted at Brooks

Did I make a huge mistake on my application that I overlooked? I honestly thought my application this year was so much better than last year so I’m really confused why I’m getting waitlisted at all of my schools again (besides Westover which I’m still happy about). I’m not even sad that I got waitlisted this time just confused. I guess COVID might have had to do with it? Or my financial aid?

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At this point I’m expecting a waitlist from most of the schools I have left (Concord, Middlesex, and Hotchkiss) and hoping that I won’t get waitlisted at Putney (even though that seems very very possible right now)

Don’t beat yourself up, the fact you were waitlisted means you were acknowledged by the AO’s! It might be disappointing because the results may have not changed much since last year, but hey, you got into Westover which you said you were happy about. Let’s just wait and see for the other schools.

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Yeah, I agree with @SolarJ sometimes they waitlist you cuz they know you probably wont attend or some other reason

Two waitlists will not end your life, especially with an acceptance to an amazing school! I just looked up Westover. I’m shocked. It’s a beautiful school.

And don’t be discouraged about the rest of today. All of the schools you have on your list for today would be lucky to have you as a student. You’re going to do great today!


my gut is telling me you’ll hear good news. you’re so amazing and i’m sure you’ll get in somewhere!

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I am losing my mind! I wanted to check at least one result before I headed to bed but nothing came. Aah

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Aw, that sucks :frowning:

Hopefully you’ll wake up to good news then!

Deerfield decisions are out!!!

Oh really? Did you receive an email?

I think they’re sending emails in batches. I haven’t received mine yet!

Email to the parents and the portal

Andover is posted

Waitlisted at Deerfield!

Rejected at deerfield, accepted at peddiE