The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Ha ha. Yes.

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glad I’m not the only one! I mean we have a whole month to decide!!

Sad for me but congrats to everyone who got in!

Yep, lol. Not even about particular schools for me, just going to BS in general. My parents are conflicted about it to say the least. They’re trying their best to be supportive but I really drove this whole endeavor, and they’re having a hard time reconciling that I might be leaving home 3 years before college. I don’t completely know how I feel either. Making any decisions without having been on campuses (I’ve only been to the east coast once in my life - and I was 7 at the time! Lol) or attending live events feels kind of like throwing darts at a board while blindfolded. Hopefully the next few weeks will bring more clarity. I’m extremely scared of making the wrong decision. So far post M10 has been much more stressful than I anticipated. Everything just became very real, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I guess when I was applying I didn’t really allow myself to entertain the possibility that I would actually be accepted anywhere.

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Where did you get accepted to?

they got accepted to Andover, Exeter, Hotchkiss, L’ville

I’m an extremely indecisive person and I knew that I would have a hard time after M10 (If I got accepted into more than one school), but this is so much harder than I expected. I did narrow my options down to two great schools, but they’re so different and I feel like if I go with one I might regret not picking the other later. I really hope that virtual revisits clear things up a little…


Hello everyone, I got one quick question? What mailing company mails the acceptance letters of SPS.

Most schools are either USPS or FedEx

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Mine are fine with me going they just both have different opinions on which school I should attend which is a little awkward. I hope the next few weeks help a ton and I hope you end up loving the east coast! Also definitely approached this like you in thinking I wouldn’t get an acceptance and now I actually have choices which is overwhelming.

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Yeah, I get it. What is your top choice at the moment?

3 top choices honestly: Taft, Deerfield, and Berkshire! How about you?

My top choice right now is Andover, but I was on a Hotchkiss virtual event last night and I’m now considering that one pretty strongly as well. Some of the schools are offering class sit-ins which I’m pretty excited about.

That will be really nice! You have great options too! My parents are pretty high risk for covid so I might not get to actually visit anywhere which sucks. I got accepted to Andover somehow haha and my Dad really likes it but I’m not super sure on it.

Yeah I think it’s really important to find somewhere that you ‘fit’. It’s cliche but whatever lol. When looking for schools I could tell even from some of the virtual events that certain places would never really feel like home for me. Good luck with whatever you decide!

Thanks you too!! I can’t believe we were all stressing for M10 and now were stressing choosing by A10.

Hahaha, I know! I was so anxious for M10 that I didn’t consider that trying to figure everything out by A10 would be so stressful as well.

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Which ones are offering class sit-ins?

Congrats on your decisions by the way! I’m in the same boat with picking between schools, Hotchkiss really does a good job making their school look appealing

Yeah, Hotchkiss is doing a very nice job with events and outreach. They are offering class sit-ins as part on an event they’re hosting this Monday. I would suggest signing up, it looks really interesting! I think you can access it though the application portal or one of their emails. The only other one that I know is offering sit-ins is Lawrenceville, which you can sign up for on the ‘admitted students’ webpage. I haven’t heard if Exeter is doing it yet, but that’s definitely something to look into as well. I think I am going to email that schools that haven’t said if they’re offering it and ask if it’s a possibility. And congratulations to you too! It looks like you’ve got a great list of options.

my parents are stressing more than me, they think a waitlist is an instant accept so they think i’m going to lawrenceville, but i’m most likely going to middlesex