The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

waitlisted from st. paul’s and deerfield. i’m a tenth grade male. how hard do you think it is to get off the waitlist?

From what I’ve heard looking around it’s an extremely hard chance. Most of these highly selective schools rarely use the wait list. Apparently Andover’s waitlist hasn’t moved for years on end. You are still a strong competitor, so even if it’s low, there might be a chance that they happen to need someone with your ECs for the school. You can try to send a letter of continued interest, giving extra info on accomplishments recently. Only do this if one of those is your top choice and you are committed to it. People say by writing one it helps a tad bit. As someone who is waitlisted at Exeter this year i understand the desperation and disappointment. But don’t lose hope too early! It may happen!

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I am so very sorry. As a parent, I think this is a horrible thing to do. Your parents should have discussed with you first that they didn’t think the essays were good and suggested the changes, not just write you something new!

I personally was the opposite. My DD wrote her essays in a google doc. She shared it with us, I gave edits and comments in the margin, just like a teacher might do, she edited, or told us when she didn’t like our suggestions. When she was done, I asked her to manually write next to the essay she has approved the essay for submission (i.e. sign her name basically), and then I copy/pasted that into the application for her. I wanted her “sign off” so if she did not get in, she couldn’t argue that I submitted the wrong thing!


Good luck and Congrats to everyone!! This process for me is finally over and it’s been a grind and a blast!

My parents have paid the deposit and I am officially enrolled at Taft for next year!!!
this was my first choice so I am so excited!!! It was my Idea to be a repeat freshman because Covid stole away our first year of High school, although I had honors, I feel I missed so much Athletically and socially. So excited to get a do-over!! Go-Rhinos!!!



That’s awesome! Congratulations on your acceptance! I’m also a freshman, so I get what you’re saying about missing out on the first year of high school. Good luck next year!

Exeter and Andover were test optional this year. I didn’t send bc I got fairly low scores. (Kinda shady on my part) got waitlisted but every school I did send my ssat I got in. Would they accept an 84 overall ssat? Idk if it would hurt or benefit my chances. I know it’s well below their averages, and the waitlist already almost never moves but I’m desperate at this point lol. Feel free to move this to another thread as I don’t know where to post this.

You will probably get better feedback on ‘The Wait List’ thread: The Wait List

An 84 ssat is a very good score. I have no knowledge about whether or not it will help your chances though. Either way, good luck with everything!

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Thank you so much!

so glad that you got into your 1st choice school. Congrats!!!

For my case, I got 86% on SSAT, and I sent to both PA and PEA. PA rejected, and PEA WLed. Good luck to you.

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Thank you! Good luck to you as well.

Those are both really good schools so they only take a couple of people off their waitlist every year, sometimes even none. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. To increase your chances, you should email the admissions office telling them about your continued interest, and update them on your recent awards or accomplishments that happened after the application deadline.

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Anyone else’s parents have strong (different) opinions on which school you should attend based on acceptances lol?

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Just got off a call with a Middlesex AO, the acceptance rate this year was 13%. One thing is for certain, this was the hardest year to date

I still dont understand how i got in… What school are you guys planning on attending?

I only applied to Exeter (I regret that a lot now) and I got waitlisted so 99% chance just my local public hs

Hotchkiss was 13% this year as well. Lawrenceville was 15%.

i’m sure most people that got into exeter are going there 100%

Congrats! That is wonderful and I think it is a great idea to repeat due to covid.