The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Lawrenceville’s admissions page just viewed my instagram story which is kind of funny :sob:it wasn’t anything bad.

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obviously they’re never rude or anything- they’re a pretty big confidentiality thing so she would never use names talking abt applicants. a lot of the time an interviewer will vouch for a kid they interview who they really like, especially if the other admissions people aren’t set on the kid. (basically- connecting w ur interviewer is good)

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Are there any pet peeves, or things that applicants commonly do, that they’ve mentioned they don’t like?

ahaha that’s so weird :joy:. I think it’s a good sign though

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i haven’t heard anything in general, but i would say the main thing is just be authentic- i think based on experience from the kids in my school, they really go for the “whole package” and who you are as a person. btw, just in general, i was SO WORRIED i would be like the only normal one and everyone else would be so smart, w a hook, whatever, but the majority of the kids are really just authentic and themselves ig if that makes sense, not all crazy geniuses.

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That’s nice to hear! Any chance you know how important different aspects of the application are? (ie stats vs interviews/essays)

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That’s really good to hear. Of course I don’t know what school you go to and I would never ask you to disclose that, but I’m also a little worried if I get in places that it will be too competitive or I won’t be smart enough enough lmao.

from my understanding, stats matter a lot to get you to a certain point- for example, if your grades are under X, they won’t really consider you. from there on, like 70 percent of their applicants meet that standard, so then they look at other things. obviously high stats can help you, but once youre at a certain point your extracurriculars/personality pulls you through. plus, you have to fill the category - if they already have a great tennis player w better stats and interview than you, they’ll take them, but if you’re put up against a musician, they might take you. sorry this is so rambly lol hope it makes sense. bottom line don’t feel dumb if a school doesn’t take you you might just not fit their category.

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What are some of the grades that put applicants in the “not seriously considered pile” from your experience?

The AO on an Exeter virtual event said something along the lines of “If you have mostly Bs and a few Cs creeping up, we will have a hard time seeing you as a great fit for Exeter.”

However, I don’t think this means that a perfect 4.0 is required either. On an Andover event one of the students remarked that she “didn’t have all A’s in middle school.”

I’m guessing for the top schools that the academic benchmark means keeping your grades at or above a 3.5 gpa. Although, I could be completely wrong in that evaluation.


i can’t answer this super specifically lol (i don’t really know details that specific) but the kids i know who got in had usually A’s with some B’s and most took honors classes, but it definitely depends on how rigorous the school is. i would say if you’re performing below your schools average that would be a worry point tho. mainly i think they can see work ethic, and the kids who want to learn and work hard stick out. (also that reflects in your grades.)

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this seems accurate to me ^

You give really great answers lol :sob:but what is your favorite part of having the inside scoop?

HAHAHAH thank you and being a faculty kid i usually hear about rules / changes ahead of time (especially since my dads meetings have gone virtual lol) which definitely is nice. plus the application process was way less stressful bc my chances were a lot higher, although i’m an over achiever so i stressed anyway (even w my 99 percentile ssat :sob: :sob:)

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wowowow 99th that’s great , I didn’t even take the SSAT😂 wouldn’t have passed anyways lol

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I actually do have one more question and it may be a hard one ,do you think admissions officers take into account the state of your current school?

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if you come from a low income area, it may actually help you, but otherwise no. i know a lot of schools have “bridge programs” that happen like a week before everyone else comes in to ease kids from not as good schools into the boarding school environment. but like no they’re not gonna blame you for your school if that’s your worry.

I was just scrolling around different boarding schools, and I found this one in England known as ‘Stowe School’.

And WOW! What a campus. Y’all should check it out, especially their marble hall!

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Shall we make a CC group chat(through group PMs)