The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

It alternates between seeming like a really short amount of time and a really long amount of time for me :confused:

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It feels really short to me, mostly because I only have six full days of school til M10, which is absolutely terrifying.

I can sleep through six days, but the school days will be agonizing, especially M10 itself…

Is it just me or, besides the fact that the writing was amazing, did some of those people go a little overboard on the thesaurus. No judgment (well ig that is judging) — but did I just go ‘underboard’ :joy:. Sorry this is a weird question to ask

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Yeah, for sure! I also dance like 5 hours a day, so the night before at dance, I’ll be so distracted waiting for class to be over!

The more I think about it the shorter of a time it seems. Like right now its 12 days but tomorrow its 11 and the day after that its 10?? So by next Monday we’ll already be in the single digits, then we’ll only have a week left and then before we know it, it’ll be M9.

It is crazy. In less than a week, we’ll be 7 days away. It sneaked up on me!

Feels like forever

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Right??? Super exciting.

I’ve been telling myself that however the outcome, I’ll be happy, I’ll be somewhere I love, to keep myself from worrying too much but honestly I’m still super excited gah its so closeee


trying to stay positive but my parents don’t want me to go now lol :((

I’m so excited :smiley:

lol same. i restrained myself from the thesaurus multiple times, so my words were simple and “clear” or whatever. i sorta felt like reading aloud fancy words would be a mouthful and not ‘me’.


Noooo I’m sorry ): Hopefully when you get in you can show them how awesome BSes are

Thanks! They don’t really expect me to get in anywhere lol and it’s my 5th attempt. I mean I can dream right lol

good luck this time! 5th time’s the charm! fingers crossed for you on m10!


thank you!!!

I got accepted to a small boarding school which I liked, and I have to sign the enrollment papers until next week. I want to wait until M10 to see how the remaining schools I applied to will turn out and if I do get accepted to any of them I’m pretty sure I’ll go there instead. But I’d feel so bad after rejecting the first school because I already told them I’d go. A big miss on my part. Any advice?

Congrats on getting accepted there! Perhaps try sending an email to their admissions office, requesting for a deadline extension. Hopefully they give you enough time to wait and see how M10 goes!

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hey y’all! i currently go to a boarding school pretty commonly mentioned here, and i’m a faculty kid. my best friends mom, who i’m quite close to, is the head admissions officer at my school, so i have a pretty good insight into the process. i thought i could take my best crack at answering any questions about the admissions process from the AO pov/ boarding school in general. :slight_smile: AMA!!

Hey! It’s kind of cool seeing someone who has an inside view but howdo they talk about applicants?