The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Andover’s Instagram post really made me realize how close it is.

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Can you add me? Thx


M10 is a short ten days away! Looking forward to the free swag we get. Might even make my decision based on who gives me more swag (that was a joke lol). Anyway…just signed up for an account and hoping that one of you would mind taking the time to read it! Thanks!!

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My baby cousin has covid and I was around him, so now I’m going to be virtual on M10 (aka I’ll be able to see decisions right away).

Oh no! I hope you don’t have it! At least there’s some good in your quarantine.

I’m going virtual on that day for a “doctors appointment” LMAO

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Yeah, I hope so too. And yes, at least there’s a bit of a good part- it also makes it easier to go to a virtual conference I really wanted to go to on M10, which is awesome!

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That’s such a good excuse

I think I’m going to open my decisions as they come in unless I can contain my excitement :thinking: which I probably won’t lol. I’m remote for the rest of the year so I can open stuff immediately =D

@nonbinarywood I’m so sorry about your cousin D: hopefully he makes it through! At least there’s some upsides for being virtual?

So far it mostly seems like a cold- his dad is at high risk and just got his first vaccine dose, though, so that scares me a lot. And yeah : ) I’m trying to focus on the good bits : )

I hope your family feels better :))

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I have to ask-- is your chance me really not satire because if it isn’t I’m so sorry

awe ,I hope everything is well soon!

Thanks : )

I’ve started thinking about what it might be to actually live with other people outside my family and it’s kinda scary lmao

Like communal bathrooms, roommates, etc.

And maybe this is just the introvert in me but I’m super terrified of making new friends


I’m not at boarding school this year but I went to one for most of 8th grade, and living with roommates will seem normal pretty quickly. I totally get how it’s daunting though. As long as you’re someone who is willing to compromise you shouldn’t have many issues. I’m not saying you’ll instantly become best friends with your roommate (I didn’t), but you’ll learn quickly how to understand and get along with each other. If you’re unlucky and get put with someone who you absolutely cannot live with, I’m fairly sure schools will accommodate switching rooms. There will probably be days you hate your roommates and days you love them, but it can be very fun living with people your age. About making new friends, you’ll become friends with the people in your dorm very fast, because most of them are in the same position as you: nervous about not knowing anyone, while trying to navigate an unfamiliar place.
I do hate communal bathrooms though, never quite got used to that.

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9 days 9 days 9 days :0



Just curious - what did you guys write about for the Andover “something you enjoy in your free time” short essay prompt? Also, which essay questions did you pick?
For the short responses I picked (a) something you enjoy in your free time, and (b) describe a time you displayed a ‘non-sibi’ attitude. For the long essay I chose the (d) smth smth overcoming fear of failure prompt.

tbh i forgot it was a really long time ago