The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread


Wrote about Minecraft LOL I’m getting rejected

that’s literally so unique and so cool. plus you have great stats and test scores. you’ll be fine.

lol thanks :’) I believe in you too!!

LOL same here i wrote abt playing sims 4

Y’all are so creative. I only wrote about going to the store or doing other things in person with friends. I finished it by saying what I do now, during Covid, with my friends

I picked (a) and (b) for Andover’s short-answer prompts. I also picked (a) for the long essay prompt.

It also feels weird to think that it’s now March already…

Hoping y’all get some good news on M10!

You too!

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For the long essay I chose (a) tell your story, and for the short answers I chose (a) something you enjoy in your free time and ( c ) something about my go-to adult and how my relationship with them has developed. I specifically wrote about reading (kind of basic, I know) and the way books have impacted my life.

It’s finally March y’all! I can’t believe there’s only 9 days left :laughing:

The time has gone by so fast. In a way, it feels like there were 7 weeks left last week!

I know right! It’s kinda scary to think about it…

I mean I literally remember J15 so vividly; it definitely doesn’t feel like it was (nearly) 7 weeks ago.

Let’s hope these final 9 days also go by quickly!

Btw, I have a question for y’all…

What’s your favourite school, besides Exeter and Andover. (Last time this question was asked on this thread, most people answered with E/A, which is fine, of course, but I’m interested in hearing more names)!

I’ll go first: Deerfield!

I feel like I say this wayyyyy too much but Putney and Miss Porter’s!

Tbh I don’t remember short answer but for my main essay it was abt something that interests u and I wrote about history but I promise it wasn’t like an academic essay😭

I think my favorite has to be Loomis and Taft

That’s really hard . . . probably SPS, SAS, or Choate! If I had to choose, most likely St. Paul’s though. Their dance program is phenomenal, and I love the school size and campus


I knew I shouldn’t have been so basic, but reading really did impact my life!