The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I could PM it to you both, if you’re interested, however, I am unsure whether it’s allowed to do so on CC.

My essay was EXACTLY 3000 characters, fitting in with the limit for all 5 schools I applied to.

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ugh i wish my schools had 3000 characters. if i’m not mistaken, choate’s short answers were 800 characters! those are SO hard to do. and there were 6

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I’m only referring to the longer essay prompts. Not the short answers.

i re-used my essays for everything, I literally only wrote 2 essays

i would love to see it.

I also used the same essay for the second prompt of Choate’s long essay.

i couldn’t do any other promt for E/A except from the failure one, I have a very un-interestinf life

For Choate’s short answers, I just put a bunch of words that just described myself honestly. I didn’t put as much time and effort as I did with the larger essays. Welp.

for choate short answer i talked about a tyler the creator song, sims, and how choate excites me.

I understand that, but even than, I don’t understand how the prompts were so similar. Maybe I didn’t analyze them all the same. Who knows🤷‍♂️

its good, i dont really think you’re supposed to re-use essays

I’d love for someone to read my essay and judge my writing skills, I don’t know how to feel about them so it would be really good to see someone else’s input.

Uh, I guess my essay was more of a generic ‘one-fits-all’ type. It’s fairly versatile, I guess. Different parts of the essay answered different prompts of the schools, which was intentional when I created it. I don’t really recommend doing this (I mean I was rejected/WLd last year, so…)

Sure! Feel free to PM me if you wish!

Choate and Hotchkiss!

which schools do you guys think you’re definitely getting into?

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I don’t want to be too optimistic, but Choate (my interviewer seemed to like me quite a lot and told me some promising things), SAS (interview went really well and essays seemed good), and possibly Deerfield for the same reasons. But that’s being very optimistic. We’ll just have to wait and see

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Honestly I don’t know…

I repeated the same mistake I made last year, which is to only apply to far-reaches. In essence, I didn’t apply to any safeties nor did I apply to any matches either.

Also the fact that I’m a non-athletic and non-musical international applicant (well, US citizen living abroad), applying to Grade 11 as well as seeking FA doesn’t help my case either… :sweat_smile:

That being said, I honestly can’t say whether I’d be admitted anywhere on M10; but I’m really hoping for Deerfield! Although, it’ll surely be a miracle if I manage to slip in anywhere, tbh.

My current list of schools this year include: Exeter, Andover, Choate, Deerfield, and Loomis Chaffee!

Yeah I only applied to far reaches too. My list is Choate, Andover, SPS, SAS, Groton, Exeter, and Deerfield :frowning:

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